Saturday, August 31, 2019

Assignment Psycholgical approaches

On a moral practical everyday life modeling is an excellent way of helping patient overcome with anxiety. For example a nurse found out that children in hospital suffer from reduce stress and they recover quickly from surgery if the treatment that they are about to have are modeled for example using films and video tapes. The psychotic Approach – understanding challenging behavior by a basic tenant of this perspective is that the most of the behavior is driven by unconscious forces.It is therefore very important to recognize the way we might not be able to understand behavior if we were using questions and answering techniques as the individual may not know what is troubling them and it is nesters to delve a deeper and try to interpret the behavior on the assumption that the behavior is in some way a symptom of what is going on in the unconscious mind. The Social Learning Theory – promotion of anti- discriminatory behavior and practices has been discussed earlier that t he way people can learn new behavior by observing others.First they note down the model that is influenced whether we like to imitate the behavior or not. For example of a model who is a very famous celebrity called the late princess Diana and when she came to the hospital to visit a patient who had HIVE and AIDS at the hospital in 1987 she shaded that patients hand who had AIDS and not only broke a tattoo on the subject but she also helped to remove a great deal of prejudice and misunderstanding about the illness. The use of positive role model in health and social care is education campaign and this explains the role model that can be played with powerful part of behavior.For example Jamie Oliver he has an image impact in terms of getting local authorities to introduce cooked school meals which were much less healthy. The Humanistic Approach – empathy is a very crucial feature of this approach to helping others to develop empathy. It is very common like sympathy where we fe el sorry for someone and we require to really listen to the emotions and respect them for who they are. This is not always very easy as we don't understand why someone feels so bad about an issue that we could easily dismiss.True empathy requires us to put aside the problem about another person and all we could do is put ourselves in their shoes. Rather like empathy understanding importance when applying this perspective to health and social care practice. Rogers often refers to more than just understanding an intellectual level. This is a major barrier to understanding and it will help the client or the patient instead we need to listen carefully to what is being said and ask questions to the problem.The Cognitive Approach – supporting individuals with learning difficulties who can experience enormous frustration in their daily lives as they feel to make sense to what we can experience. The cognitive approach can be used to help people who do not understand the situation. Th is could be by identifying irritation thoughts as an individual and can be guided to change them with consequent benefit for their emotion and behavior.Cognitive word of this type can be improved by self esteem and increase Outbursts which may be affected by a lack Of understanding Of the equipment of a given situation for example having to wait for a meal. Supporting individuals with emotional problems is widely used with individuals with a variety of emotional problems. This perspective begins by examining how the negative thought influenced feelings which then lead to changing in behavior. Supporting individuals with depression is a psychologist called Aaron Beck who has a formulated a helpful approach to understanding depression known as a cognitive behavior therapy.The pattern of the behavior is common to suffering from depression and is described as a cognitive triad. This then generates to a conviction that the world contains problems and difficulties that the individual is p owerless to overcome. The goal of the cognitive therapy is to challenge these negatives Houghton and to encourage the patient to develop alternative and more positive ways of seeing the world. Supporting individuals with post traumatic stress disorder -? This disorder consists of a group of symptoms as outlined below.This is commonly experienced by soldiers but are also experienced by others who have undergone a traumatic experience such as rape which is too much for them to bear. Traumatic events: Nightmares, flashbacks, recall of the event and fireworks. Avoidance events: The person tries to avoid thinking about the trauma and brings it back to the mind so the person may not be blew to remember anything. Increased arousal: difficulties falling or staying asleep, concentrating, hyperactive and exaggerated response.The Biological Approach -? Understanding developmental norms and they are developed by Arnold Sell for an assessment scale to enable judgment to be made about a child's b ehavior and understanding the matter Of their age and this is composed to the child's goal against their scores at an earlier age to determine the development. These are the three overlapping stages at which development can be measured. Between two and a half years of age Between four and six years old Between six and nine years old. Understanding the effects of shift work on individuals When we are working shifts especially at night we tend to find that there are certain times when we are feeling overwhelmed and urging to sleep while we should be working. Those unpleasant physical effects occur because of disruptions to circadian biological rhythms. Cardiac rhythms have given a cycle of physiological bodily process which laps force between 24 and 25 hours. For example our core body temperature which follows the level of alertness. For most people the lowest core temperature is 36. Degree Celsius and the very highest is 37. 2 degrees Celsius. The core body temperature falls over the course of the day. This is why we feel sleepy. Shift workers on an evening shift have to be awake and function at night with a high level when their body temperature is dropping the lowest telling us that they want to go to sleep. Therefore they need to sleep on time and return home on time when their body clock is telling them to be alert. The brain is also involved in leap and this is called the pineal gland and this is responsible for production of the hormone melatonin.As it gets darker the light levels increases between 8 and 10 these levels increase within 2 hours beginning to fall from 2. References Circadian rhythms www'. Guardian. Co. UK/science/2004/DCE/04/locators. Health Cognitive behavioral therapy www. Respects. AC. UK Sell assessment scale vim. Guiltlessness. Org MI Role model can be used within the new therapy and counseling centre in my locality is for example a nurse is expected to be on a high level standard of aroma and competent so where as we might aspect a su rgeon to be similarly level headed competent who would be expecting to a particular warmth.The people that would benefit from it is a group of individuals who have a particular culture or society who will get influenced by others and this will work by helping the therapy and counseling for leading us to adopt certain roles and try to live up to that role to the expectation that goes with the role. The humanistic approach can be used within the new therapy and counseling centre in my locality by for example by looking at human experiences from their viewpoint of my individuals of groups by focuses on their ideas of free will and believing that my group of individuals can make their own choices.This can work by their hierarchy of needs to progress through each level before making SSL_Jeer they meet all their individual needs. Advantages of my two perspectives are that one of my perspective is about influencing on people's role model by observing and changing behavior to the role model according to their jobs and expectations in the health and social; care setting and adopting it later it later in life and my other respective looks at my individuals needs like the importance in their diet and making sure they meet it and to understand why they need to meet their humanistic needs.

Friday, August 30, 2019

What Are the Key Ideas Behind the Risk Thesis

Undoubtedly, insecurity, fear and risk have come to dominate more mundane aspects of our everyday life. Social policy theorists, such as Paul Johnson defines social risk as ‘The probability weighted uncertainty that derives from the changing and dynamic world in which people lives. ’(quoted in Alcock et al. 2008:21). In the following essay the concept of ‘risk society’ will be explored even further in order to examine the key ideas of the risk thesis and how those relate to social policy and the welfare state. After some light has been shed on historical notions of risk, the focus of the essay will move to a contemporary society. Here it can be clearly seen to what extent risks have evolved in relation to the times we live in and this will be especially explored in the terms of individualization, unemployment, health, terrorism and environmental concerns. Risks theorists have outlined three main discourses in European thought upon risk. According to Giddens (1999), all previous cultures were characterized by Pre-Renaissance thoughts. It can be argued that risks were seen as the products of fate, destiny and will of the gods. However, nowadays the idea of risk is strongly linked to modernity, defined by authors such as Beck and Giddens as ‘the process and institutions of industrialization. (quoted in Kemshall 2002:4). As a result of modernization, there are not only ‘external risks’, coming from the impact of nature upon us, but also ‘manufactures risks’ which are products of human activity, for instance environmental risks or even social ones because our personal futures are increasingly open and therefore, it is possible for individuals to assess the calculability of risk taken. On the other hand, it can be suggested that post- modernity has challenge the ‘myth of calculability’, because as Giddens states: ‘post- modernity offers little help as to which options should be selected. (quoted in Kemshall 2002: 5). Sociologists such as Beck and Giddens clearly examine the fact that the movement form pre-modern societies to modernity and late modernity have lead to greater uncertainties in our contemporary society such as poverty, unemployment and ecological disasters. Undoubtedly we live in a ‘risk society’. Beck (1992) argues that the successful development of technology helps us to produce enough to meet people’s essential needs, however it creates a ‘boomerang affect’ because as Beck points out technology and science create more problems than simply solving them. It can be argued that those who benefits form production and consumption suffer its consequences. To support his theory, Beck provides us with many emperical evidences which illustrate the problem of risk society. It is true that thanks to development in agriculture, the rich countries no longer have problems with shortage food, but the plentiful supply of processed food has created consequences of health problems such as obesity. Similarly, atomic energy helps to produce energy supplies but it creates serious health risk because of nuclear waste and accidents such as those more recently (oil spill in America) and those in the past (Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster). Particularly, Beck outlines the fact that those disasters are global concerns, rather than local and affect all people, regardless of age or class, because you cannot protect yourself against them by having a high income. In the term of unemployment, Beck also argues that it affects all classes. For example the financial crisis of United Kingdom in 2007-2010 affected not only working class but also middle class people. Therefore social inequality is individualized because people experience risk as individuals rather than a members of a particular class. Drawing upon ideas of Beck and Giddens, Nettleton and Burrows (1998) argues that increased risks in our contemporary societies made individuals to be more ‘encouraged to make life-style choices and life-planning decisions. ’(cited in Kemshall 2002:43. For example, education become increasing important is shaping our future as we know that by having high qualification there is more opportunity to have better- paid job. The increasing of consumerism in our societies made people to pay more attention to money as it provided higher standards of living. The fact that there are more uncertainties in employment and even higher educated people struggle to find jobs, it is necessary for people to move out and thus, geographical mobility allows individuals to move form jobs to jobs on global scale. Therefore, people experience this as individuals rather than members of class. Nettleton and Burrows also argue that those uncertainties in employment which create fear f losing a job and consequences of living in bad conditions, led people to be more aware of the future and secure themselves in the fulfilment of their basic needs by investing money, creating saving accounts and paying private insurances. However is it true that all classes are able to afford it? Nevertheless, people experience the environmental risk to the same extent but it doesn’t mean that the notion of class is less unimportant in the risk society thesis. Beck wrongly assumes that there is the decline of class, because class differences still continue to affect life expectancy and people experiences unemployment in different ways. For example, it is obvious that people who have higher status within society can afford better life and even of they are about to lose a job, their better qualification give them an opportunity to find a job much more quicker than lower status person. It can also be argued that the development of the technology has a result in declining of manufacturing industry which was the basis of working class identities and it has left them struggling to find new job in the face of high unemployment. Moreover, working class people are more at disadvantage because as a result of cultural and material deprivation, they do not have an opportunity to do better at education and thus gain better qualification and pursuit themselves in the job career perspectives. Colin Gill (1985) argues that technological and scientific change and deindustrialization ‘threatens to reduce in the workforce in numerous occupations’ such as warehouse workers, postal staff or mineworkers. Karl Marx (1978) also argues that working class are more likely to be unemployment as a result of capitalists system. Sociologists argue that the risk of unemployment and the effect of unemployment affect both society and personal feelings. Sinfield (1981) argues that unemployment ‘devalues or debates the standard or quality of life in society’. (gouted in Haralambos 2004: 670). He (1981) argues that high unemployment reduced the chance of equality of opportunity being achieved and people feel less secure and may have their standards of living threatened. The other social effects relate to lack of sense of identity of people who lose their jobs, sense of obligatory activates that works provides, lack of a sense of purpose and freedom and control outside work creates the possibility of engaging time leisure activities that are costly. On the other hand, the personal effects of unemployment affect health and financial income. Some argues people’s health is more affected by unemployment because the statistics show that unemployment men have higher death rates compared to employment ones. People also experience greater risk of depression and stress, which has a result in many health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attacks or cancer caused by smoking. Loss of financial income means that people live in bad conditions. Council’s houses are often small and located in marginalized districts. People are more likely to be at risk of poverty which affects both material and cultural deprivation. For example, recent Government figures show that children form low income families are more likely to eat less fruits than their counterparts. Overall, unemployment restricts people’s possibilities to secure the basic needs such as food, good housing or health treatments. However the successful use of National Health Service over the last 50 years, adapt the needs of health care to demographic changes. NHS provide people with free access to health care, but people with better income status are able to afford private medical insurance and use the private sectors which provide more effective health services. As Clark et al points out, ‘this has been paralleled by a ‘result culture†¦. Consumer choice and right have also contributed to public expectations, in the terms not only of access of treatment, but also of its timeliness and excellence. ’ (quoted in Kemshall 2002:55). Thos all evidences prove the fact that Beck’s theory based on the idea of decline of class in the contemporary society, is invalid. As we see people experience the risk in different ways as some of them are affected most than others. Particularly, lower income people are at greater risk of poverty due to unemployment. Now the purpose of the essay needs to move one to the idea of social policy as social risk management. Looking at the historical notion of social policy as risk management the 18th and 19th century Britain have introduced many policies to cope with risk, for example, the introduction of compulsory elementary schools for children of all classes in 1880, self-help organizations (saving banks) and Charity Organization Society or the Poor Law. Jordan (1998) argues that the new politics of welfare: ‘Third Way’, ‘emphasizes equality of opportunity rather than outcome and rights to education and training rather than benefits†¦. It provides for ‘genuine’ needs to be met, with far stricter testing for the authenticity if the claims from unemployment and disability. ’ (quoted in Kemshall 2002:32) According to Jordan (1998), this new politics of welfare state is increasingly associated with ‘New Labour ‘and Blair. The new programme of Third Way is based on key factors such as social justice, social responsibility and obligations, the labour market as a mechanism for achieving social justice and based on reward for merit and an emphasis upon meritocracy. Thus, as Kemshall (2002 :37) argues ‘social policy reform and programmes are now pursued through the labour market and the social engineering of ‘opportunities’ to contribute [through] education and workplace. Social investment in human capital is viewed as more economically productive and efficient that retrospective alleviation of individuals need through a state benefits system. ’ The Labour government introduced a number of new designed policies which are based on the idea of encouraging unemployment back into works. It was done through the introduction of New Deal scheme which was based ‘Gateway’ advice, where young unemployment people have been offered four options (for example, full time education or employment in voluntary sectors). If people refused them, they lost the right to benefits. The introduction of minimum wage and Job Seeker Allowance was also to encourage people to back to work. As Kemshall (2002: 37) states ‘a social policy of ‘Third Way’ actively [promoted] risk taking and a positive attitude to risk has gained currency, and is advocated as the most effective response to the dilemmas of ‘risk society’. However Keefe and Hordley (2002) pointed out that ‘whether Labour policies will succeed in continuing to keep unemployment low remain to be seen. Levels of unemployment were beginning to creep up again by 2003. (quoted in Haralambos 2004:669). Similarly Giddnes argues that the welfare state is ill equipped to meet the risks set by economic globalization and a needs centred welfare state is based upon the pooling risk, rather than the pooling of resources. According to Giddens there is still much focus on benefits and the dependency of ‘need culture’ is seen as a barrier to economic flexibility. The purpose of the essay was to identify the key idea of the risk thesis and how those relate to social policy. Considering both historical and contemporary perspectives on ‘risk society’ we can clearly see the patter of changes of the notion of risk over the time. The work of the sociologists such as Beck and Giddens helps us to understand the difference between ‘external’ and ‘manufactures’ risk as well as they outline the argument that risk is more associated with modernity and late modernity. The essay is based of the idea of risk which is due to individualization and unemployment. Undoubtedly, our contemporary societies are less stable so the fear of unemployment dominates our lives as it affects our standards of living. However risk society thesis are criticised on several ground, such as those of Beck as his theory fails to recognize the fact that people are differently exposed to modernization risk. Beck fails to recognize the relationships between risk distribution, conflict and inequality, by wrongly assuming that individuals as equally concerned by risk. As Taylor Gooby states ‘Membership of the working class is associated with a much higher risk of fall in living standards and also ‘The risk society is class ideology masquerading as social theory: It serves the interests of those already privileged in a more flexible society by obscuring the needs and aspirations of the more vulnerable who already bear most of the burdens of social change’. Taylor-Gooby, 1999). Form my point of view; the concept of risk is relevant to social policy, because policies are regarded as risk management. It can be clearly seen in the historical outline and new politics of ‘Third Way’ programme as it demonstrated us how social policies try to tackle the unemployment. However the description of contemporary society by Beck and Giddens left us to critically question some certain aspect and the theory should reflect the ‘idealistic’ rather than ‘materialistic’ nature of the concept of risk.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Alice in Wonderland Essay Example for Free (#4)

Alice in Wonderland Essay As the Cheshire-Cat appears and sits on a limb of a tree with his grinning face while Alice is walking in the forest he explains to her that everyone in wonderland is mad even Alice, which is why she is there. Alice did not agree with the Cheshire-Cat but continued on her way to see the March Hare anyways. Being mad or crazy does not always make a person bad. In fact the Cheshire-Cat was right, all the people in Wonderland were indeed mad and they were all there for that reason. In every classic story there are good characters versus bad characters. In the book, Alice in Wonderland written by Lewis Carroll, there is no exception. The characters Alice, the White Rabbit, and the Cheshire-Cat are all positive characters in the story and the Queen of Hearts is the villain or the negative character in Wonderland. Positive characters can be identified in the story of Alice in Wonderland by their personalities and how each character interacts with one another. Lewis Carroll only made one distinctive negative character and the rest he made either positive characters or characters that are Just in the middle. Most of the characters in the ook are middle characters that do not have a good or bad sense of personality. Negative characters can be identified by color and personality as well. The Queen of Hearts for instance is represented by the color red with represents fury and anger. That describes the Queen perfectly. Alice is a positive character in the story of Alice in Wonderland. She is the main character of the story. Lewis Carroll does a good Job of portraying Alice as a young curious and well mannered lady. Youth and innocence can describe Alice as a positive character. Throughout the whole story Alice gets onfused quit easily when talking to the other people in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter and the Caterpillar especially. Although she is in an obscure and crazy world, Alice keeps her cool for the most part and tries to keep her senses. In the world of Wonderland, however, being sane is mad, which allows Alice to fit right in with the others (From Alice on Stage). The White Rabbit was made to contrast Alice in every way. He is timid, old, punctual, and often nervous. The White Rabbit can be seen as a positive character because he is white in color, also because he is somewhat helpful. Although he is shy and nervous he does not do anything that would make him be considered a negative character. I would say he is somewhat of a mediator, neither positive nor negative. The White Rabbit is significant in the story of Alice in Wonderland in order to understand Alice more (From Alice on Stage). Most unique of them all is the Cheshire-Cat. When Alice first comes across the Cheshire-Cat he is in the house of the Duchess and is grinning very widely. From the way he is first described I thought that he was going to be a negative character in the story. His grin seemed some what villainous and because he was mysterious led to the conclusion he was a negative character. After the book goes on the Cheshire-Cat is very calm and sensible in the mad world of Wonderland. He helps Alice when she need someone to talk to and when she has questions about Wonderland. The Cheshire-Cat is the most knowledgeable about Wonderland and fits right in when it comes to craziness (Spark Notes from Alice in Wonderland). Queen of Hearts. Some of the other characters have their moments of rudeness or snappy ways but none of them can be identified as complete negative characters esides the Queen of Hearts. When we first meet the Queen she comes into the yard yelling orders at everyone and being very rude. From the beginning you can tell that the Queen has anger and fury within her. Because she is red in color she can be identified as negative. Red usually has a bad connotation and is usually associated with anger and fire or fury. She makes irrational decisions, most of them affecting everyone but herself. Everyone in her court is afraid of her because she is known for prosecuting and beheading anything and anyone who gets in her way (From Alice on Stage). Of all the characters in Alice in Wonderland the Queen of Hearts and Alice are the most significant. I would not say that in this story there is a hero or villain, but Just positive and negative characters. A lot of the characters in the story were middle characters that had no sense of good or bad, they were Just mad. Everyone in Wonderland was mad, including Alice, that is why she ended up in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll defined each character using their personalities. The Queen of Hearts impatient, loud, and obnoxious and Alice is curious, sensible, and has a sense of uperiority. Alice in Wonderland. (2018, Nov 07).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The right decision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The right decision - Research Paper Example However, the experiences of teenage life despite its bitterness have imbued me with right concepts perhaps at a later stage. The most vital advantage evolved from the past failures includes my acquired ability to make a self assessment. Today I am well acquainted with the possible ups and downs of life, and can easily envisage the outcome of each personal decision I would make. To begin with, my decision flawed for the first time as I dropped my studies. After I finished my high school, I joined a college for further studies with half-assed ideas of a career life. Since I did not have a proper goal or strategy, I could not pursue my studies well. I was in a hurry to get involved in some sorts of business activities though my situation was not very favorable. It was not because I wanted to win bread for my family, but just thought of proving my mettle in front of my friends and relatives at a very younger stage. Obviously, the academic life was of little relevance to me for I found no relevant things taught in my classes. Subsequently, I quit the studies just after the first semester, thinking that I would better seek some jobs that best fitted my age and interest. As far as the education of my home land is concerned, since the founding of the UAE in 1971, section 17 of the constitution ensures free education at all levels and mandatory primary education. The UAE constitution emphasizes on the significance of education in the overall development of the nation. In addition to free education, all associated requirements including books, uniforms, transportation, and all study equipments are free for students. Education is one of the most important areas of governmental concern that frequently undergoes several policy improvements. The concerned authorities of education include The Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY) and The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR). In fact, I cannot blame anyone for my discontinued study. Despite all the ab ove said viable social conditions, I suspended my studies; and that eventually resulted in my getting humiliated by my employer. Soon after my retrieval from college I got employed in a regional bank where I was the youngest among all employees. In addition, I was the individual paid least; and that soon became the part of my identity in my workplace. I spent two years working for the bank expecting better chances in future. Although I requested the manager for increment, he did not heed genuine concern to my need. He said that I did not have sufficient educational qualifications for a better pay or promotion. To add to my grief, I found my friends in better positions earning handsome salaries from their employers. This was indeed the turning point in my life because I decided to leave the job with intent to resume my studies. I was well convinced of the significance of a university degree for the first time in my life. As a result of my sincere effort, I got a scholarship to study in USA. This is the most rewarding challenge I would get because I have been very much curious about visiting the States since my schooldays. Now I have got the chance to visit and stay there until I complete my studies. I am confident that the new academic environment in the States would offer me better educational aspirations. At this juncture, it is important to evaluate the characteristics of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

PhD Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

PhD Proposal - Essay Example And yet, there are those that like the games that aim at one goal and others still that like to play games that are somehow multi-goal driven. Each game is based on the player’s way of realizing that the game should match their personality. If a business is just like a game, then the person would act in his business just as he would play a game, making decisions that come from his personality, behaviour and needs. As a business is complicated when it comes to making decisions, then it would be much powerful to attach it to the games that have multi-goal driven approaches. This would give the player, or the business person, the ability to make decisions based on a variety of aspects. This study is to examine the assumption that based on an individual person’s psychological behaviour and his specific needs, he plays the game in the exact same way that he would make business decisions. I will then build a modular that will assist the decision maker in learning how to focus on multi-goal tasks where the Game of Go, which is also known as the game of the intellectual elite, will be the tool to be used. This chapter is a brief review that will explain the meanings and definitions of the theories and the tools that will be used in this study. Game theory and business strategy definitions are stated in section one, as well as how they are similar with each other (2.1). Section two (2.2) discusses the Maslow Hierarchy. And then the Go-Game will be defined in section three (2.3). Smith (1996) stated that "leadership in the late 20th century is all about making right decisions in the midst of complete environment(s) posing a significant challenge to management in future leadership preparation". He went on to further add that "successful management constantly seek having to devise new systems dynamically aware to assist future managers and leaders creation with utmost suitability to then challenging the decision-making

Monday, August 26, 2019

Hearing loss Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hearing loss - Research Paper Example This paper explores the causes of, and diagnosis and available treatment for hearing loss. The types of hearing loss and their impact on the well-being of persons with hearing impairment, as well as on the society, are highlighted. The cause of hearing loss or etiology can be readily apparent like an ear infection or amassing of ear wax in the external ear canal and can also be indefinite such as in the cases of non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss (Connelly, 2005). Generally, the major causes of hearing loss include excessive noise, ototoxic reaction to drugs, aging, genetic inheritance or birth defects, infections, and head or ear injury. Exposure to harmful noise causes damage to sensitive inner ear structures, called hair cells, leading to noised-induced hearing loss. Hair cells are small sensory cells that are responsible for the conversion of sounds into electrical signals, which are then sent to the brain for perception. Once damaged, hair cells can hardly grow back, making loss of hearing permanent. Both the decibel levels of and one’s distance to sounds are equally crucial in determining the potential risks for noise-induced hearing loss. Repeated exposure to sounds at or higher than 85 decibels can impair hearing while a one-time exposure to a much intense sound like explosion can result in hearing loss (NIDCD, 2008). Meanwhile, chemotherapy drugs and radiation employed for the treatment of childhood cancer induce damage to hearing. High doses of radiation may result in ear wax build-up or inflammation in the outer ear, stiffness of eardrum or middle ear bones, or fluid build-up in the middle ear, which can lead to hearing loss (Landier and Ruccione, 2008). Further, radiation can induce damage to the inner ear’s hair cells, resulting in a sensorineural hearing loss. Hearing loss due to viral and bacterial infections such as in syphilis, toxoplasmosis, mumps, bacterial

Economics GCCs Dollar Peg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics GCCs Dollar Peg - Essay Example This trend is considered a major contributor to the rising levels of inflation in the gulf region. The current levels of inflation are stated to be the highest in the last 30 years (Seville, 2008). At the same time the GDP growth started declining during the same period. Zawya (2008) wrote about some of the research studies carried out in 2008 which predicted that the gulf nations would be able to register a lower nominal GDP rise of about 16.4 percent till 2010, provided the crude prices average around $120 per barrel in 2008, $131 in 2009 and $133 in 2010. But, with crude oil prices tumbling down to $50 per barrel in the international market, the situation is starkly different today. Such developments resulted into a serious debate on how the gulf nations should take appropriate measures to handle the situation. In the run up to the discussion towards taking mutually agreed steps for handling the monetary crisis in the gulf region, the GCC started discussing measures like adopting a common currency within the region. 2010 was being talked about as the deadline for coming out for a currency union (Ghafour, 2005). But these plans received a jolt when Kuwait unilaterally decided that it needs to move away from dollar peg. This step was taken by Kuwait central bank in order to contain the rising inflation.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Evaluate the effectiveness of technology in monitoring national Essay

Evaluate the effectiveness of technology in monitoring national borders and preventing trafficking of drugs or humans - Essay Example 37). In order to counter these crimes, prevention measures have to be implemented to forestall the trafficking of human beings and drugs into the country. Various measures have been implemented to tackle these problems such as imposing heavy penalties on individuals who break these laws and also protecting the national orders through a team of well trained personnel and equipment (United states 2010, pg. 16). The use of technology in monitoring the national borders and preventing human and drug trafficking will be discussed as well as its effectiveness. Application of Technology in monitoring National Borders The national borders are monitored by different organizations all with the intention of preventing illegal activities from taking place. This involves prevention of illegal drug and human trafficking and also the illegal immigration of individuals into the country. For this purpose, technology is required to keep track of the activities being carried out along the border and als o to verify the legality of individuals or activities. For example, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement uses technology to identify illegal aliens in the country and further rank them according to the severity of their crimes (National Research Council (U.S.) 2009, pg. 29). Particularly, they apply biometric identification techniques which are used to identify individuals according to their traits or characteristics. In addition to that, illegal activity can be monitored through closed circuit television cameras. The authorities use these cameras to monitor the boundaries and detect whether there is any crime being carried out (Manning 2008, pg. 97). The cameras are usually hidden and are on a 24-hour basis. They are set in a position where they can hold a wide view of the area thus making it easier for the law enforcers to monitor. Law enforcers then observe the borders through the cameras in shifts and also by carrying out patrols around the area. It is possible to record information through these cameras and the information is stored in form of tapes. The tapes are important in court cases as they serve as evidence pointing towards illegal activity being carried out across the border and into the country. Application of Technology in Drug and Human Trafficking Different forms of technology can be applied in drug and human trafficking. For example, scanners are used in major airports to identi fy illegal substances in an individual’s package (Belliotti 2009, pg. 117). Airport authorities use advanced imaging technology which is programmed to detect various threats against the crew members and the passengers. Other than threats, the imaging technology also highlights the illegal substances thus allowing for further human searching. This form of technology is less invasive compared to the previous methods thus encouraged by many airports. In addition, technology is used to monitor and track the whereabouts of individuals involved in criminal activity particularly drug and human trafficking. Authorities are able to track cell phones using tracking devices that function by tracking the cell phone number. This gives them the accurate position of the phone thus making it easier to take action upon the traffickers. Traffickers prefer using prepaid cell phones which makes them harder to track and thus preventing the control of these vices. However, police officers are allo wed to plant tracking devices on such phones and consequently gain

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Comparison between Charles Taylor and Will Kymlickas views on Essay

A Comparison between Charles Taylor and Will Kymlickas views on Multiculturalism with Minority Rights - Essay Example However, the implementation of equality and sharing of beliefs is the only way that discriminatory issues can be avoided and minority rights upheld, according to Taylor's philosophy. I personally tend to favor Taylor's point of view since it appears to have the most solidity in the view's being given. Of course he makes quite a few other interesting points in his writing, from my personal interpretation of it. Multiculturalism has a strong purpose in politics as when there are other nationalities living in a country they want to be able to feel they are a part of it (Taylor 1994). The only way this is possible is if they have awareness that they are included in the many political debates of the many topics concerning the country's needs or desire's for the people.Furthermore, Taylor shows the notion of multiculturalism gives identity to people as it defines them as human beings. If the politics of a nation where only centered around the natural origin of those living in a country, su ch as Americans in the United States, then there would be no sense of a multiculturalist identity for those who were of a foreign body that also dwelled in America as well. Therefore Taylor points out that it is crucial to acknowledge all people who reside in a country and that developing a political identity with the concept of multiculturalism is the way to go about creating equality and a sense of individuality for all of the various ethnic cultures within the body of a nation. A political body can not simply step up to a podium and refer to all people as Americans or Europeans and expect there to be unity in that nation. This is one of the strongest views of Taylor and this author feels it has a good relevance to the effect political bodies have on the citizens of a nation. If there is a lack of inclusion of one type of nationality there is going to be discord and inequality but if there is an inclusion of the whole concept of multiculturalism then it will make a nation stronger and the citizens of the communities will be united, or so it would appear. Also, Taylor also emphasizes the fact that recognition of different cultures is extremely important to provide equality in a nation. However, there can be various dilemmas with what people know about others and therefore the idea of misrecognition of a culturally diverse group can create just as many problems as actually not identifying their presence can create. For example people in a country often make assumptions about foreigners who live there. Before the facts are gathered false interpretations develop such as with Latino's, many people in America often identify all Latino's as being from Mexico and speaking the same form of language but this is the wrong impression. Latino's span out across many regions and they all do not look alike or speak alike therefore this is a simple example that can be given following Taylor's points of misrecognition of a culture between ethnicities. In fact Taylor states that the wrong idea can cause severe harm onto a culture as they are then faced with many discriminatory issues and don't feel a sense of equality either, which is one of the problems that is prevalent in many countries today, especially in the United States in particular. This results in a distorted image of a culture and impacts them in a negative way as they begin to feel that the main representative cultural body within a country is not willing to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sustainability - Redland company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sustainability - Redland company - Essay Example nd comparative indices so as to compare the actual performance with desired objectives so as to ensure greater emphasis on sustainability concerns (Defra, n.d.). The internal and external drivers for generating a sustainable business model includes pressure from the investors and internal resources that act as internal factors that drive sustainability in business organizations. External drivers include consumer’s attitude, international benchmarks and standards as well as government regulations that make it mandatory for business organizations to include sustainability as a core business issue. Sustainability is also now becoming a matter for sustainable competitive advantage as firms are increasingly using this as a means to gain advantage over competitors. The heightened consumer awareness also acts as a pressure for business organizations to focus on generating greater sustainability in their business model (Business for Social Responsibility, 2007, p.4). Redland has a sustainability policy that seeks to address concerns beyond protecting the environment to include broader aspects like social and economic sustainability in its sustainability strategy. The sustainability strategy of the company seeks to not only comply with the legislative norms but to grow beyond these aspects to emerge as a sustainable organization. It seeks to use innovation as a mode to generate greater sustainability in its business (Redland, n.d.). The vision and mission statement of Monier Group that is the holding company of Redlands however does not include sustainability aspects but also shows its commitment towards betterment of lifestyles of individuals (Monier Group, n.d.). Challenges and barriers for maintaining sustainability include access to finance for supporting these activities as well as taking all the stakeholders including suppliers into confidence in the matter. Brining the suppliers on a common platform involves challenge in case of Redland as most of them are small

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Murdering Mckinley Essay Example for Free

Murdering Mckinley Essay The main factors that are presented in the book include how the assassination affected America and its society, Roosevelt’s response to the assassination and his succession to the presidency, the reasons for committing the murder, and the evidence that supports the cases of the assassin and the district attorney. I found this book to be a well-organized and accurate account of the assassination as well as the surrounding events. I found the events that occurred to be extremely wrong and hurtful to the American society. The means by which the assassin achieved the political changes that he desired were completely immoral and threatening to America. Rauchway describes William McKinley’s assassination in the year of 1901 by explaining to the reader the motives of the assassin, the reaction of the district attorney and society, and the response that Roosevelt had to suddenly becoming the President of the United States. On September 6, 1901 President William McKinley was tragically assassinated at the Pan American Exposition in Buffalo, NY by Leon F. Czolgosz. President McKinley ran the politics of state supported capitalism. He was a strong conservative, which was reflected in his successes of reopening factories and putting individuals back to work. Czolgosz disliked McKinley’s politics and wanted McKinley himself to fall in order to prove America was vulnerable and to strip the American people of any illusions of safety. Although the motives behind Czolgosz’s actions were complet ely immoral, he did have well supported logic behind these actions. The case ultimately went to trial, and the district attorney tried to prove that the assassin succumbed to radicalism through his anger of his social standing. Some would argue that Czolgosz was mentally insane and delusional and that he should receive mercy. At the time of the assassination the American society was becoming more urban and more complex, leading people to have less control over their own fates. People soon began to believe that a sane and healthy social environment would lead to a sane and healthy United States population. Movements to sustain these ideas grew and flourished during the time of Roosevelt’s presidency. This led to liberal political ideology, which soon became kno wn as progressivism. The main impact that McKinley’s assassination had on Americans was that it pressured them to be more clear and up front on their opinions of a working class which included a large number of immigrants. It also encouraged the people to voice their opinion on race in the developing democracy. The organization of the text and manner by which the facts were presented by the author made it easy to follow and understand. I found the book to be unbiased while representing all sides of the argument fairly. The book contains evidence of the details given and the author sometimes uses other historians to back uphisevidenceasagoodwaytosupporthisstatements. Tome,therealbenefitof reading this book was that it helped to expand my knowledge of the actual events of the assassination as well the effects that it had upon America and Roosevelt’s new role as President. I feel that the arguments presented by Rauchway regarding whether or not the assassination was a positive or negative experience for America were mostly equal. After reading the book I gained a better understanding of the affects of the murder. I am able to understand that although McKinley’s death was a tragedy, ultimately America was able to flourish through the progressivism supported through Roosevelt’s policies. However, I feel very strongly that Czolgosz’s act of murder was completely inhumane and very disrespectful to America and its people. As a whole, the book was a very well written description of the murder of William Mckinley and of the affects it imposed on the country. The murder of McKinley had many lasting impacts on American society. Through the assassination, America recieved a push towards progressivism, and became a wake up call to American politics. Although it was a misfortunate act which was committed, it did help America to grow and become stronger as a nation. Roosevelt took a strong stance as the new President and bravely faced the challenge of leading America with courage and knowledge. He acted upon constituent’s fears so that they would become supporters of his efforts to rid radical dissent. Some say Czolgosz acted upon his own insanity, however his decisions were based on logic and his life ended in the electric chair and his remains were doused in sulfuric acid. When he committed the crime he was aware that there would be extreme consequences for his actions. This showed America how far some people would go to achieve the political changes they desired. As Americans today look back on the tragic event, it is seen as one of the most devastating days in American history. However, in the end America found the strength and courage to push through the sorrow and hurt and eventually grow from the death that birthed a new nation. Eric Rauchway presents this tragic event in American history with a hopeful and optimistic tone as he emphasizes the positive growth that America managed to obtain through Roosevelt’s policies. His account is easy to understand yet still challenges the reader to think more deeply about the implications of the event.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How to Deliver a Good Speech Essay Example for Free

How to Deliver a Good Speech Essay Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I hope everyone is enjoying this very special day so far. It’s been an emotional day, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..even the cake is in tiers. I would like to start by thanking the lovely bridesmaid †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. I’m sure you will agree she has carried out her role superbly; I would also like to thank the ushers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ for at least turning up sober. If we could all raise our glasses to the bridesmaid! I would like you to turn your attention now to the bride Cathy who im sure you will all agree looks one in a million today as opposed to Alan who looks like he was won in a raffle. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is John and I’m Alan’s best mate. What can you say about a man who came from humble beginnings, a man who is now quickly rising to the very top of his profession based solely on intelligence, grit and the willpower to push on where others have fallen. A man who is beginning to distinguish himself at the very highest level amongst his peers, and where none can say a bad word against him? But enough about me, what I`m really here for this afternoon is to talk about Alan. As the best man I decided it was only right that I take this huge responsibility seriously, so I have spent long sleepless nights searching the internet and reading books and now understand my duties to be; To ensure that the groom arrives on time, sober, and looking good Well 2 out of 3 isn’t bad. After all I’m best man, not a plastic surgeon! In one of the books I read there was a list of things I should and should not say in my speachhere goes; Well failing that I have some words of advice on marriage for you here Alan: Someone once said that marriage is a 50/50 partnership, but anyone who believes that clearly knows nothing about women or fractions! To help the course of true love run smoothly never forget those three very important words you must say every day. you’re right dear. I have been asked by Alan and Cathy to thank you all for coming and the gifts that you have so generously donated. I must say I struggled to decide what to get, I wanted to give Alan something he genuinely needed, but it’s such a struggle to figure out how to wrap a bath! Alan and Cathy have also asked me to thank the staff at the Liner hotel for helping them with their special day, I’m sure you will agree that it has been lovely. I have known Alan now for a long time and I will honestly say that he has never looked happier. Alan and I met at work in Hardacres, I know a few of the lads are around today and don’t worry I’ll keep all my embarrassing stories focused on Alan, like the time he fell face first in to the grave or the time he and I’ll never forget the time he bent over the hearse and we all heard this Rip right in front on the mourners.big split right down the middle of his kecksOh wait no forget that last story!! So to wrap this up, I’d just like to say that marriage is not about finding someone you can live with, it’s about finding someone you can’t live without. It has been a great honour to serve as Alan’s best man today and I’m pleased that he has finally admitted who is the better man! Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for not falling asleep and it gives me immense pleasure, to invite you all to be upstanding and raise your glasses in a toast to Alan and Cathy, we wish them well for the future, and may they enjoy a long and happy marriage.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History Of The Indus Motor Company Commerce Essay

History Of The Indus Motor Company Commerce Essay The assignment has been worked to look into the chosen organisation with regards to its environment effect on Indus Motors for achieving its objective in the diverse industries culture where the organization is based. Indus motor company is a joint venture between Toyota motor corporation, house of habib and Toyota tsusho corporation Japan, for manufacturing, assembling and marketing Toyota vehicles in Pakistan and the neighboring countries since late 80s. The dealership network the IMC has established is the only one which distributes Toyota and Daihatsu vehicles in the country. It was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company at commencing stage where as the commercial production took place in 1993 may, the stock exchange of Pakistan quotes the shares of the company Toyota motor corporation and Toyota tsusho corporation possess twenty five percent of the equity, house of habib own the majority shares in the organisation. The production facilities are located in the industrial area near Karachi called Port Qasim of around 100 acres. The current social, economic changes and their impact on Indus Motors Company Ltd A social change refers to the regulation of values, norms and customs of society. As IMC does believe in the customer satisfaction so they try to manufacture the product according to the need of customers. Their targeted market belongs to the upper class of the society. They think that the upper class people perceive the GLI as their status value. IMC believes that people are becoming more price conscious along with the need of car that consume low amount of fuel with high mileage coverage. The other social factors that is impacting a lot is the literacy rate of people is growing due to which people are becoming more quality conscious along with the price consciousness so that IMC is concentrating to improve its quality along with the diminish in the price. Some economics forces are also impacting the current scenario of IMC like as the inflation is increasing day by day the input cost of assembling cars in IMC is also increasing due to the import of CKD unit from Japan. It results in diminish the purchasing power of the people that affect their buying behavior. Due to taxation policy the Honda have the competitive advantage over IMC as it has given tax exemption till 1998 to its customers. Diverse approaches to strategy-making concepts of strategic change, search, choice and implementation Economic and management viewpoint on organization tactic can and should be incorporated. The intermediation hypothesis of the firm and models of market micro structure provide a basis for advancing the integration of management and economics perspectives. In particular, the theory allows for a combination of economic approaches work on competitive strategy with management approaches such as work on the abilities and resources of the organization. The article presents a combined strategy framework based on transaction costs and the intermediation theory of the firm. The impact of globalization on employment markets and practices The recent wave of mergers and acquisitions in the automotive assembly industry itself has triggered a similar round of merger mania in the auto parts segment. One of the more significant developments of recent years has been the transformation of the auto parts business into a separate industry in its own right. One of the more significant developments of recent years has been the transformation of the auto parts business into a separate industry in its own right. Even as the automobile business grows, it is also becoming more competitive. Currently, there is worldwide overcapacity in the industryand this has forced manufacturers to contain and even reduce costs. In the United States, for instance, the average monthly vehicle payment as a percentage of household income has dropped from 12.5 percent in 1980 to only 7.5 percent todaya 40 percent decrease. Emergent theories of corporate strategy and their relevance to IMC In the year 2000, Toyota rolled out its multi purpose vehicle (MUV) Qualis in India that was an instant success. Gradually It introduced Camry, Corolla and later in 2005, Innova. All these models created success saga for Toyota Kirloskar. Notwithstanding of its initial success, Toyota could manage to have meager 5% market share in Indian passenger car market that remained far away from its mission statement to grab 10% market share in Indian passenger car market by 2010. Analysts predicted that unless Toyota would enter into compact car segment, it would unlikely to have that much market share. SWOT, PEST and PESTEL tools and change management to different organizations development and their potential impact on the strategic business THREATS The government tax policies are threat to Indus motors. They have to pay 35% import duty on CKD kits that is imported from Japan. Honda motors are subscribed by 5% tax while Toyota has to pay 30% on its earnings. The major part of diminishing of the production and demand of the products is also due to the law and order situation. Political instability also affects the whole scenario of the automobile industry due to the inconsistency of tax and import duties. The substitute products of the Toyota products like Suzuki are also a big threat to the organization, as the demand for low price vehicles is increasing day by day so that the demand for Suzuki products are becoming more market oriented than Toyota. Due to the inflation and fluctuation in exchange rate also considered as the major threat for diminishing the demand for the companys products. The stern competitions in the higher sector market are also a threat to Indus Motors. OPPORTUNITIES As the political condition of Afghanistan is becoming more stable and the completion of motorways and expansion in the road networks is gaining the high impact on people so that the consumption of commercial vehicles is growing day by day that will lead to an inevitable growth in the transport sector. There is also a chance to expand market of Toyota Hilux in Nepal and Bhutan. According to sources from Indus Motor, if engineering board of Pakistan makes the industry specific deletion policy this will provide an opportunity for the development of vendor industry. WEAKNESSES Indus motor has not yet achieved appropriate economies of scale as compared to its competitors. Indus Motor and Honda Atlas motors are producing the same no of vehicles but Indus Motor gain huge cost. For Indus CKD kits account for 75% of their total Manufacturing cost, where as for Honda CKD kit account for 65% CKD kits cost for Indus is on the average about 25% higher than its competitor Honda Atlas. It is obvious that Indus is producing 5000 vehicles at higher cost as compared to its competitors. Indus Motor Company is producing so much lower units than its capacity as it has the total capacity of 20000 units, but at present they are producing around 5000 units. It means that they are not amortizing their fixed cost in best way. Their dealership network is weak, as they do not own this dealership network. STRENGTHS Its strengths are its location, its latest technology that is considered as no.3 in Asia. As far as its image is concerned in the market it is considered as the market leader within the industry because of its quality, brand loyalty and household product. Its capacity is also its strength that is currently about 20000 units per anum but it can be expanded up to 40000 units per year. Indus Motor Company has a extensive product range, which includes 20 vehicles. Which satisfy each and every segment of market. Its efficient and well-trained labor is also its big strength. Genuine spare parts can be easily available in the market and the resale value of Toyota also considered as its strength. Creative Suggestion System is also strength. New technologies and their impacts on people and process of IMC The kind of technology employed by an organization gives an important edge in terms of quality. Technology is of two types: labor intensive and capital intensive (state-of-the-art technology, for example). In case of Indus Motors, the company has installed capital-intensive technology. They are using conveyer belts to transfer a car during assembling from are station to another station. They have heat exchanger, spray booth, drying tower, etc. For measuring and checking of locally manufactured parts in order to maintain quality standard and to assist vendors in product development, a state-of-the-art Quadrant Measuring Machine was installed in 1997. In 1996, the company acquired new computer technology for the implementation of software and its applications, which provides a centralized database support integration between Manufacturing and Financial systems, and is assisting the company in providing meaningful data in time for management decision making. The impact on the business strategy of the external business environment Because of the continuous change in environment, there is an element of uncertainty in the environment. The environment has become highly complex and dynamic. Keeping this thing in mind, a company must look for a strategic fit between what the environment wants and what the company has to offer, as well as between what the company needs and what the environment can provide. Thats why before an organization begins to formulate strategy, the management must screen the environment and identify external environmental factors, which affect the organization. Importance of customer driven strategies in developing and implementing a successful business strategy Product which company offers is also resource of company. Larger the product mix, greater will be return on sale of product. Indus Motors company has analyzed needs and wants if its customer and has made available a broad product range to suit their need. All the cars in its product range are a beautiful brand of style, economy and technology. Now they are going to increase its product range by introducing Daihatsu Coure in year 2000 that also possess all the qualities, which its all the cars have. The Toyota has entered in the maturity stage of product life cycle and its market share has shrunk from 60% to 41%, but in spite of all this, Toyota is still enjoying brand loyalty and higher returns. This is obvious from the tact that company has earned its. 271.70 million pre-tax profits for the year 1998, and it announce to pay 15% dividend to the shareholders of the Company. The importance of management and leadership in developing and implementing business strategy Every successful business requires effective leadership to fully utilise the skills of staff in order to achieve the aims of the business. This isnt just a matter for larger businesses even if you only employ one or two people you still need to make sure that you make the most of their abilities and aptitudes. This requires a distinct set of management skills and the confidence to carry them out. You have to be able to motivate and develop your team, to communicate well with them and to build a business strategy that allows each individual to perform to the best of their abilities. Use of strategic alliances and joint ventures, and alternative routes to survive, prosper and avoid failure A strategic alliance, broadly defined, is a contractual agreement among firms to cooperate to obtain an objective without regard to the legal or organizational form the alliance takes. The aim of joint venture is progressive manufacture of Toyota vehicles and components parts with an initial annual capacity of 20,000 units expandable to 40000 units or more to meet the requirements and quality standard of the automotive industry for tile Twenty-first Century. Appraise processes by which organizations identify their goals and values Employee involvement can supplement strong corporate cultures to develop innovative organizations. Executives from forty successful companies responded to interviews on the organizations values and involvement practices. Structural equation analysis indicate that effective involvement measured by the use of employee problem solving groups, cooperative interaction, and employee influence was a critical mediating mechanism between people-oriented values and firm performance. These results suggest the complex challenge of developing a successful organization and guides for making an organization both value-driven and productive. Current and likely future demographic trends in the UK and internationally Toyota forcefully long-drawn-out manufacture ability over the history decade well in front of predictable order. Profits on export vehicles finished in Japan have as well be hit by a intensification Japanese yen. Toyota has a near chokehold on the US cross/low-emissions car sell thanks to the redesigned Prius. As the American Big Three thrash regarding to convene the 35-mpg authorization by 2020, Toyota has a beginning start. In late 2009 and early on 2010, on the other hand, Toyota initiate two disconnect but associated recall to a number of vehicle types together with the 2010 Prius that were single-minded by the U.S. general Highway travel protection direction as experience broken down speeding up. The succeeding bring to mind on January 21, 2010 unwavering that the beforehand assumed drivers floor mat issue was not to be answerable; somewhat, a more grave issue concerning the sticking accelerator pedal was at cause. as a result, the total universal digit of cars recalled by Toyot a stand at 9 million vehicles, extrapolative to a price that will go beyond $3 billion USD international. As of February 2010, over 30 lawsuit have been file alongside Toyota concerning accelerator harms. The impact of globalization and international trade on IMC With the globalization of markets, greater foreign competition, and the reduction of barriers to entry, it becomes all the more important to benchmark a companys financial indicators on a worldwide basis. World stock markets have recently witnessed a return to fundamental financial analysis. Globalization brings in new technology. On a selective basis, globalization indeed brings in new technology and opposition to globalization is not tantamount to becoming technologically isolated from the rest of the world. But today, almost no advocate of globalization is calling for selectivity. Importers have a strong financial interest in a globalize economy. But so do exporters dependent on imported parts and machinery. Industrialists with interests in ports, shipping, international warehousing and other aspects of international trade and commerce may also see globalization as beneficial to their sectors of the economy. Social trends and social problems in the UK The automotive industry currently faces huge challenges. The fundamental technological paradigm it relies on, volume production, has become progressively more unprofitable in the face of increasingly segmented niche markets. At the same time it faces increasing regulatory and social pressures to improve both the sustainability of its products and methods of production. The use of more sustainable fuel sources and new types of modular design with built-in recyclables. However, these technologies can only be fully exploited if methods of manufacture change. The book also describes new models of decentralized production, particularly the micro factory retailing (MFR) model, which provide an alternative to volume production and promise to be both more sustainable and more profitable. Patterns of change in social attitudes and their significance for organizations An financial, community, cultural, and emotional-psychological reproductive component that is predictable to serve up, conserve, and raise persons and community and even uphold nation. It is also predictable, through its own strategy, to continue to exist and flourish, cope and conquer, under the best and worst of state of affairs. It is unspecified and predictable by state, civilization, social organizations, and persons to be stable and dependable in the countenance of modify, be it good chance or disaster and complexity. unspecified to be muscular and kind, the flexibility of the relations is frequently taken for decided. In short, it is predictable to be a unwavering, confidential financial and social sanctuary net at all period and beneath all circumstances. In actuality it is certainly often the sole and eventual protection net, both in period of financial enlargement and disaster. The relevancy of business ethics and corporate social responsibility with regards to change The importance of ethics in business is seen all the way into the structural natures of businesses. It is not just a notion that you have; it is in the way a business operates that can show the importance of ethics in your company. The dedication to ethics must come from the highest ranks of the organization. In order to have a principled company, you must have a principled leadership. With the amount of pollution in the world today it is very important for business to be socially responsible in operation. For instance, my company has its own environmental department, which takes care of any environmental issues that may occur in our daily operations Organizational arrangements for supervising ethics and corporate In the procedure of production with the member of staff, the subject was not first and foremost one of principles, other than of two ethical principles in clash, sympathy and apprehension for a beneficiary human being and the principles central response to duplicity. The second govern the consequences because that goodness was matching with the principal ethics of the company concerned with preserving the influence makeup and reliability of the association quite than the individual benefit of the personality in the corporation . managerial behavior towards specific employees might be strong-minded by person decency that is unbreakable by secretarial ethical main beliefs additional anxious with the selfishness of the association than beliefs per se. Relationship between ethics and corporate governance Business ethics and corporate governance have become key factors influencing investment decisions and determining the flows of capital worldwide. In part, this is the result of scandals in both developed and developing countries. However, in a more positive sense, the growing demand for good governance also flows from the lessons learned about how to generate rapid economic growth through market institutions. From this perspective, the emphasis on anti-corruption and good governance is based both in moral standards as well utilitarian considerations of improved market performance. The impact of the increasingly competitive global environment and the needs for innovation, entrepreneurship in organizations All innovation begins with creative ideas . . . We define innovation as the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization. In this view, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is necessary but not sufficient condition for the second. Booming supervision in the new millennium requires on the rise new method and approaches to outfit the challenge and opportunity of this latest period of globalization. An entrepreneurial move toward is seen by numerous scholars and strategy makers as a main alternative to improve managerial routine in this period. The impression of entrepreneurship is multi-dimensional and moment again vague. different perspective have dissimilar implication for how entrepreneurship is connected to and assist support sustainable development (SD). This initial paper to WREMSD will effort to discover viewpoint from approximately the world on entrepreneurship, administration, and SD. The main goal are to give details diverse perspective on what is destined by the expression entrepreneurship in a universal background and to offer an general idea of SD in next of kin to entrepreneurship. The document argue that it is necessary that investigate and rule improvement completely takes explanation of the cont radictory perspective of entrepreneurship and make unequivocal the exacting viewpoint that they are attractive. No single description of necessity fully capture the idea, but by life form obvious about our sense of the notion and the original assumption, we can development our accepting of entrepreneurship and its associations to SD. Evolution of regulation of business activity The Toyota Industries Group will contribute to compatibility of environmental conservation and economic growth throughout its wide range of business activities, including automobile, industrial equipment, and electronic logistics. The Toyota Industries Group will continue to set challenging targets aimed at further reducing the environmental impact of its business activities, listening carefully to voices of its stakeholders such as customers, and acting in compliance with the letter and spirit of laws and regulations. The Toyota Industries Group will continuously improve its environmental management, placing environmental activities among its highest priorities. The Toyota Industries Group will aim to foster greater communication and teamwork within a wide range of partnerships, including those with customers and suppliers, in order to promote sustainable management of the environment. In addition, the Toyota Industries Group will act as an upstanding corporate citizen, taking an active part in the planning of activities that contribute to various regional communities as well as to our global society Enterprise and corporate concepts At the heart of The Toyota Way is a core belief that our workforce is a critical asset and that all permanent employees should benefit from stable employment. We also believe that our success as a sustainable organization depends on the commitment of employees who understand and work according to The Toyota Way. Employees crossways the industry are empower to think and pick up their behavior in ways that add charge to the selling and get them acknowledgment from their general management. Quality Control Circles or QCC, as it is generally known within the industry, is a motivational implement used by line employees at Toyotas invention vegetation. It is planned to give confidence workers to proactively recognize and respond to harms on the line. Toyota chains long-term employee growth through widespread programmer of universal and practical training courses. It begin at the very initiate of an employees occupation at the corporation with basic preparation about The Toyota Way. preparation courses are obtainable to office staff, as well as recruits in manufacture, retailer and the after sales system. Elements of the implementation process The corporate philosophy, rules set up and attitudes which control the resources usage is the main reason of Toyotas success in the world market. Through its admirable productivity the company has earn its repute in world in a very successful manner. Its basic approach of bettering its products and the way of delivery is customer friendly and driven towards market. Its way of authorizing its manpower is the critical human resource management systematic approach which improves the productivity, the innovation and on going improvement and the engagement of employees which the most likely will result into loyal employees. Where there is more job satisfaction hence for obvious reasons the productivity is precise and desired, in lined with the cost effectiveness. The company possesses a very achieving and profitable workforce in practice thorough out its outlets no matter where in the world. So as its suppliers have benefited from the practices in use where ever they have faced difficulti es. Understand continuous monitoring and improvement techniques Systematic and organized approach is crucial in the implementation, introduction and improvement of project management process which helps to resolve organizational short comings, helps the costs control, improves the shared understanding and more secure outcomes are obtained. With in the motor industry many organizations have decided to involve into software intensive areas and engage into several improvement programs. One of the main issues in such a context is project management for the better way towards success. Gradual approach is presented in this text for the introduction and improvement of project management. The steps are defined which are required to enhance the implementations of project management in software intensive organization and its core projects. The key factors are well been spoken upon success criteria, the ways and tools necessary to achieve better and systematic, global and in practice project management process. Kaizen events have become commonplace at companies that practice lean manufacturing. But these events are only a portion of the complete Kaizen process. Traditionally companies have focused on a project-based path to change. Organizations that work toward a state of constant improvement understand that Kaizen events are a tool that allows them to focus resources and employees on process improvements. By understanding the current process and the future state goals you can implement Kaizen. Creating a corporate culture of continuous improvement will allow you to adapt to a changing marketplace and exceed customer expectations. Establish KPIS and KGIS and scorecard to measure and monitor change within organization Diverse groups usually manage supply chain and logistics for a solitary commerce unit. fairly frequently third party logistic is used for incorporate the a variety of logistic armed forces under one crown. Fierce opposition and increasing client prospect have forced business to go for third party logistics. These collaboration typically achieve over human being vendor, as join up of services underneath one head assure better suppleness, ready efficiency the length of with better client happiness levels and bigger supply chain management, also the most central factor of cheap expenses. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the full stipulation used to path business objectives. They are distinct within the background of the commerce actions editor and evaluate by Web Sphere Business Monitor. KPIs are shaped base on business goal. A industry objective is an decision-making statement of way in carry of a commercial policy. The industry point is a elevated goal that is experimental, computable, and results-oriented. For industry procedures model, the production objective is translate into a KPI that enable the association to measure some feature of the procedure next to a aim that they describe. Within Web Sphere Business watch, the KPI is compare against genuine results to conclude the level of achievement. A KPI is linked with a exact procedure and is normally represent by a numeric worth. A KPI might have a goal and permissible limits or inferior and higher limits, form a range of presentation that the procedure be supposed to achieve. A KPI can be consideration of as a metric with a objective. An example of a simple KPI is: standard time for answer to a customer question is less than two days. Principles of change and the organizational change process Any business or organization has to change its strategy almost constantly for the sake of competitive in the market with other organization and it is the requirement of todays business. The main factor due to which we need to change our business rapidly is globalization in order to survive. Sometimes technological changes take place on their own but they often they are change or introduced as components of larger strategic changes. Who will be threatened the most by changes is determined by an important aspect of changes technology and it will determine as well. For the success any changes in technology must be matched with the companys overall system or strategy and they should create a management structure to support it. Some companies change through negotiation and rewards to manage to overcome resistance. Other companies resort to handling, or using slight plans such as giving a confrontation organizer a well-known place in the change attempt. A final option is compulsion, which involves punishing people who refuse to accept or using power to ensure their collaboration. Although this method can be helpful when momentum is of the core, it can have lasting unhelpful special effects on the company. Change activities in providing level of assurance with in organization Quality assurance, in its broadest sense, is any action taken to prevent quality problems from occurring. In practice, this means devising systems for carrying out tasks, which directly affect product quality. A simple example of quality assurance is a cooking recipe. A recipe is a system for preparing a particular dish. It describes the ingredients and utensils necessary to prepare the food, the method of cooking it, how to test when it is ready, how to store it, and how to serve it. Cooking to a recipe produces better and more consistent results. And the same applies to using systems in other situations. Systems of various kinds are, of course, already an integral part of all organizations. But in most cases they do not thoroughly address quality as a separate and important issue. This changes when an organization embraces and pursues quality assurance. Quality assurance does not only apply to products. Services, and even non-production activities such as administration and sales, benefit from a quality assurance approach. Implementation of the chance process including resistance of change and practical management aspects Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of busine that will squeeze change as long as they are part of the process ss change to achieve the required business outcome, and to realize that business change effectively within the social infrastructure of the workplace. Market requirement bring evulationary changes in management for good competitor in business today. Now the world is moving in core of employee to empowerment, ownership, and accountability which has changes the automobile industry work force that will squeeze change as long as they are part of the process. Offerings from both the engineering and psychology fields are producing a meeting of thought that is crucial for successful design and accomplishment of business change. In other words, a business must constantly examine its routine, strategy, processes and systems to understand what changes need to be made. Increasing external and internal factors have made this strategy essential for endurance. However, an organization must also appreciate the implication of a new business change on its workers given their culture, values, history and ability for change. It is the front-line employees that ultimately execute on the new day-to-day activities and make the new processes and systems come to life in the business. Conclusion In the end it may conclude that if Indus motor want to survive in this era of Globalization they need to recheck their strategy day by day and they need invention of new ideas or applications for according to market demand. And if they apply the strategies which I recommend or they launch features which I discussed above then they can get more share of the market and compete other companies. They need to do some agreements or strategic alliance with the other companies it may good for

Monday, August 19, 2019

Contracts :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Contracts Lump Sum Contract A defined lump sum plan expresses employees' pension benefits as a lump sum amount, which makes it easy for them to understand and appreciate the benefits. In many cases, the plans also allow employees to accrue larger benefits at younger ages than they would under a traditional pension plan. And, increasingly, defined lump sum plans provide "portable" benefits that employees can take with them if they leave the company before retirement age. Cost plus percentage contract: Cost-plus construction contracts are often used for projects in which an owner or developer wishes to retain flexibility in selecting construction materials or modifying the design during construction. Unless specifically described in the contract, the contractor and the owner/developer may have a different perception of what types of costs are reimbursable to the contractor. The cost-plus contract should include a section defining all of the types of costs that are reimbursable by the owner/developer, and most standard form contracts include such provisions. Cost plus fixed fee contract: A cost-plus-fixed-fee contract is a cost-reimbursement contract that provides for payment to the contractor of a negotiated fee that is fixed at the inception of the contract. The fixed fee does not vary with actual cost, but may be adjusted as a result of changes in the work to be performed under the contract. This contract type permits contracting for efforts that might otherwise present too great a risk to contractors, but it provides the contractor only a minimum incentive to control costs. Design and build contract, also known as "package deal" and 'turnkey" contracts Turnkey drilling services offer a viable method for operators to better man age drilling risks and reduce costs. In the future, they may be able to utilize drilling management contractor services for complete field development programs. The offshore turnkey drilling industry remained a high-margin, low-volume business until about 1993 when turnkey drillers began to realize bidding prices were not competitive with most operators' internal cost estimates. Increasing market share could only be achieved by reducing margins to match the real competition, which is the operator's AFE (authority for expenditure). Since then, the number of offshore turnkey wells has increased almost every year. However, the future of the offshore drilling management services industry involves moving beyond merely providing a well or a completion for a fixed price.

Essay --

Michael DePalma Ms. Patient English 9-5 3 December 2013 American News Every day millions of Americans across the country watch, listen, and read the news. Many rely on its information presented to them as the truth and not an opinion or lies. This is how people can tell what is going on in the world around them. Sometimes the news is reliable and helpful and sometimes it’s just complete lies. This is not just the weather man got the forecast wrong or the sportscaster predicted wrong for the big game, these are real stories being twisted and mangled from the truth. American news is biased in order to gain higher viewership. News wasn’t of course always on television; but, it has been since television programs were first aired. â€Å"Unlike the 1941 ambitious twice-daily newscast schedule, CBS had more modest expectations for the station in 1944 and only offered one night of live programming a week, doubled to two at the end of the first month. The CBS-TV 15-minute newscast began each night of live programming on the station For the next 4 years, CBS would offer anywhere from two to four newscasts a week, finally settling on a daily format in May 1948. (Tuggle) Much like the audience, CBS’s television department was small in 1944, with the network concentrating most of its resources on the popular and powerful radio side of broadcasting (Conway).† Over time, more and more channels would become news outlets after CBS, the four major networks NBC,ABC, Fox and local channels all jumped in the race to broadcast the news faster than their competitors all in the essence to gain viewership(Conway). Americans get their news from all of the major networks and popular shows such as Today, Good Morning America, and of course local dail... ...ost local TV news programs face heavy competition – typically several shows offering the same product in the same time slots in the same medium – most newspapers have it much easier. My impression, is that most newspapers produce the highest quality journalism they can under the resource constraints they face.The large majority of American newspapers have enjoyed monopolies in their local markets for decades. But are now becoming less and less popular with the internet allowing that information to be free (Zaller). News in America is something that everyone watches to keep informed on the events of that day. From time to time the networks or papers that tell us what happened isn’t always trusted or true, but it is what we have to go on. At the time the news is being presented there no way an average American can fact check it all so all they can do is sit and watch.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Deafness and the Power of Signing Essay -- Sign Language Deaf Communic

Deafness and the Power of Signing When the deaf Miss America spoke to a crowd of thousands about overcoming her handicap, deaf people across America were disgusted. Deafness is not a handicap, I have been told again and again. It is a cultural identity, a way of life, a choice, even (some hard-of hearing people speak of the time when they had to decide, deaf or hearing), but never a handicap, never something to be overcome. The sign for people like Miss America is the sign for hearing, with the forefinger circling up by the forehead instead of down by the mouth. She thinks she's hearing, is what it means. There is also a sign for the reverse: some hearing people get so involved in the deaf community that they think they are deaf, like the woman who pretended to be deaf and got to be in one of those real-life Saturn Commercials. She was a minor celebrity until she was found out - an investigative reporter called her house and she answered the phone. Afterward there was an outpouring of letters to DeafLife magazine fr om people who said they had known all along her signing was not perfect, and the sign she made up for Saturn in the commercial was not in accordance with the deep structure of American Sign Language. American Sign Language is a naturally acquired language; my sister, at five, has perfect ASL grammar and sentence structure, something I will never really have. Grammar in ASL is about your face: eyebrows are lifted for yes or no questions, scrunched together for wh- questions. When signing the word "big", say "Cha" with your voice. It is important to look the signer in the face; use peripheral vision to absorb the hand and arm movements. This, of course is not as easy as it sounds - deaf people have extraordi... ...cks views the uprising as the deaf community's coming of age, the time they decided to go on their own, and it was the beginning of a resurgence of deaf pride which had been waning since Clerc's days. 3. Cohen, Leah Hager. Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World. New York: Random House, 1994. The title refers to a sign expression, the sign equivalent of "you missed the boat." When Leah Cohen was growing up, her father was the principal of Lexington School for the Deaf, an oral school in New York. Cohen learned ASL as an adult and shows a deep love and respect for the language, but she is not convinced that an exclusively ASL education is the best solution. She believes in a compromise between ASL and speech, that oral education is still important, particularly for poorer deaf children, who have fewer opportunities to work in the deaf community or with interpreters.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

India vs China Essay

1.India and China fight for Super power tag.The two countries meet face to face only at The Himalayas, all other things for comparison will make stand these two countries individually, at their own socio-economic-political-cultural areas. To know who is super power, India or China or two know each areas of strength and weakness, let’s get into the points of concern for both to become super power. Military Strength – Conventional and Nuclear. 2.As two rising Asian powers with high GDP growths and increasing geo-political influence, India and China have been arch rivals in their race to superpowerdom. The race for regional dominance between these two countries has also spawned a race for militarization, with India sparing no efforts to match China’s military might. A comparative analysis is therefore overdue, to see how India and China fare against each other in their military strengths. According to United States DoD (Department of Defense) reports for 2006, China’s military expenditure is estimated to be 80 billion US dollars. However, the official Chinese CPC government quote is a $30 billion military expenditure (which a lot of analysts believe is under quoted). The actual Chinese military capabilities and budget are masked in deep secrecy to prevent foreign countries having an idea of its military might†¦and perhaps to create the strategic advantage of uncertainty. If we were to go by the conservative official Chinese figure of $30 billion, it would put China second only to USA in global military spending. On the other side, India’s official military expenditure for 2006 is quoted at $22 billion by the Min of Finance. India however, does not keep a level of secrecy as cloaked as China does, as its democratic government system requires public accountability. By its official 2006 military budget figures, India stands at 9th position in global military spending. 3. India’s active military personnel numbered over 1,325,000 (approx) while China was significantly higher at 2,255,000. In air defence, China’s PLA (People’s Liberation Army) Air Force has 9,218 aircrafts of which about 2300 are combat aircrafts, operating from its 489 air bases. The Indian Air Force has 3382 aircrafts which includes 1335 combat aircrafts operating from 334 bases and its sole aircraft carrier INS Viraat. The air superiority in China’s PLAAF is maintained by its fleet of Russian Su-30 MK and indigenously built J-10 fighters. Indian Air Force, on the other hand has French built Dassault Mirage 2000s and Russian Su-30 MKI as the best aircrafts in its combat fleet (no indigenous fighters or aircrafts have been deployed by India so far). Indian Navy is the world’s eighth largest navy with a with a fleet of 145 vessels consisting of missile-capable warships, advanced submarines, the latest naval aircrafts and an aircraft carrier in its i nventory. It is experienced both in combat and rescue operations during wartime and peace as seen from its wars with Pakistan in 1971, the December 2004 Tsunami, etc. In comparison, China’s PLA Navy with its fleet of 284 vessels is quantitatively larger but lacking in actual war experience, which could undermine its strategic capability. As of 2007, China has no aircraft carriers in its naval fleet but is slated to build and induct an aircraft carrier by 2010. 4.In strategic nuclear defence and delivery systems, China’s PLA is miles ahead of India’s nuclear forces. The PLA’s stockpile is estimated to have 200-400 active nuclear warheads. In comparison, India’s strategic nuclear force is estimated to have stockpiled about 50-70 nuclear warheads. The most powerful warhead tested by India had an yield of 0.05 megatons which is quite small compared to China’s highest yield of 4 megatons. India’s nuclear delivery system consists of bombers, supersonic cruise missiles and medium range ballistic missiles. Agni 2, India’s longest range deployed ballistic missile is capable of a range of 2500 km, carrying a single nuclear warhead of 1000 kg. In stark contrast, China’s nuclear delivery system is far more capable with multiple warheads (MIRV) ICBMs like DF-5A [12000 km] and DF-4 [7500 km]. It also fields submarine launched SLBMs like JL-2 [8500 km] and strategic fighter bombers like Su-27 Flanker in its nuclear delivery arsenal. 5.Economic theory teaches us that incentives drive decision making by a nation or an individual. In case of India, a democracy with no serious military adversary, its militarisation drive is often overshadowed by internal militancy issues and political struggles. In case of a communist China, it has a powerful military adversary in United States; the conflicts over Taiwan give China a strong incentive to beef up its military defence to counter the US military might. The situation is much similar to that of USSR vs USA Cold War, albeit on a much smaller scale. The end result is China walking far ahead of India in military might with overpowering superiority if both conventional and nuclear forces are taken into account. Population 6.China can be called The big tree of a forest, where plenty of things happen by nourishing other small plants and giving space for generation of more fruitful plants; that is its population. The one child per family policy is about to savor negative implications by large in future, through having more male births to continue their family and to maintain income levels, which leads to less female births, which doesn’t strike a balance between male to female sex ratio, and depicts the clear picture of future possibility to find a girl to sustain its offspring. Another major problem stands at the feet of China is, an unusual increase in the old age population which poses problem to maintain. 7.India being the next tree adjacent to the China in the forest of this world doesn’t have such limit of family members, which contributes more population and makes India the most populated country in the world in a decade span. Of this population, most of the people are below the age of 25 which adds new, promising, young talent to steer the Indian economy smoothly and also maintains female ratio which doesn’t leads to gender imbalance thus assuring working population balance to its best. Predicted to overtake China’s population in a decade, India has oceanic human capital which promises un parallel economy in the world. Education System 8.Education being the cornerstone for any economy, China laid much emphasis and achieved an Adult literacy rate of 94% as provided in World Bank preliminary census for the year 2011. For adult girls it remains at 99% striking a mastered balance in creating requisite opportunities for equal education and employment. Though primary education is much accentuated; secondary education didn’t got much attention especially in rural areas which poses a threat to future skill pool of the country. The major con for China in this area is its inability to produce large number of English speakers per capita. 9.India has an adult literacy rate of 74% and after taking efforts to increase the level of education for women between the age of 15 to 24, it has registered 80% literacy. Several NGO’s, corporate companies and women concerned societies are taking many initiatives for improving the literacy rate. Though urban areas strike a balance in the ratio of education for male to female; rural counterparts couldn’t fare well because of its infrastructural and social problems. One point that India has advantage over china is in the production more number of English speakers per capita with growing literacy rate. Industry 10.China caters for its domestic market with mass production concept in producing the items such as toys, electronic devices, mobiles, T-shirts. Obviously, fast consuming goods are given priority for production which wants a mere copying or imitation in work design rather than innovation. Apart from this China faces challenge to cater for heavy industry for which expertise and skills are needed and ability to serve global clients is the one area at which they dawdle. Recent initiative to kick start in automotive sector has left better chops for china without tasting much success. 11.India focuses on Industrial area to gear up its economy. The high technology steel produced through high spirit in India, has no comparable competitors across the world. Apart from intensified industrial production, IT sector is reined by vibrant skilled youth with wide range of attributes to contribute. As under from the above mentioned areas, it is experiencing advancement in the areas of engineering and services market and is having a consolidated automobile market in terms of production, engineering services, spares and marketing capability. Poverty 12.China has an un parallel history in reducing the poverty through equal distribution of resources, but due the long line it couldn’t be properly rationed which again struggling in the poverty pond that has been posing many non-social evils giving birth to rebellions and undesired effects like prostitution, drug mafia thus leading to HIV AIDS. Of course, there exists a difference between feeding a crow and a lion; but China government was never hopeless to feed the ever growing elephant called â€Å"Poverty† in their country. 13.India’s deeply disturbing social issue which has been deep rooted and chronic in its nature is persistent in its annual record showing no growth or probably negligible. Illiteracy, inaccessibility to safe drinking water, medical facilities and under nourishment is the roots of this ever growing, undesirable, social element. More children per family, crop failure, loss of assets are some points that can be characterized for the rising of poverty in an alarming way; but not given much importance by Indian politicians who spend always their whole time for making the lives of common people much better! Oops! Right or wrong, we have nothing to do, but to follow the flow, because India is a democratic country. Corruption 14.China has shown a remarkable score in corruption which has been deep rooted in government offices and ministries as the adage says failing is not a problem but refusing to stand again shows the difference, China did remarkably well in the crackdown of corruption, by punishing its Supreme ourt former vice-president, Huang Songyou for life time jail with connection to his fraud and bribery offences. That’s what called accountability and the action fills trust to curb corruption in China. 15.India fares worst compared do China, by being more corrupted than China giving a strong competition for which even it doesn’t have any people representative to take accountability to clean the trash left by most familiar corrupted officials and ministers. Neither former Telecom minster A. Raja has been awarded any punishment nor the officials and ministers involved with Common Wealth Games fraudulence and Adarsh Society scandal has been brought totally the under the control of law. The system being totally vicious, will take long time to get itself out from the ever growing poisonous pangs of the most favorite word of our Nethas called as â€Å"Corruption. â€Å" Otherwise it continues to dwell along with other evils that exist in the country. Economy 16.Making an in depth study and analysis of India vs. China economy seems to be a very hard task. Both India and China rank among the front runners of global economy and are among the world’s most diverse nations. Both the countries were among the most ancient civilizations and their economies are influenced by a number of social, political, economic and other factors. However, if we try to properly understand the various economic and market trends and features of the countries, we can make a comparison between Indian and Chinese economy. Going by the basic facts, the economy of China is more developed than that of India. While India is the 12th largest economy in terms of the exchange rates, China occupies the third position. Compared to the estimated $1.209 trillion GDP of India, China has an average GDP of around $7.8 trillion. In case of per capital GDP, India lags far behind China with just$1016 compared to $6,100 of the latter. Agriculture 17.Agriculture is another factor of economic comparison of India and China. It forms a major economic sector in both the countries. However, the agricultural sector of China is more developed than that of India. Unlike India, where farmers still use the traditional and old methods of cultivation, the agricultural techniques used in China are very much developed. This leads to better quality and high yield of crops which can be exported. Liberalization of the market 18.In spite of being a Socialist country, China started towards the liberalization of its market economy much before India. This strengthened the economy to a great extent. On the other hand, India was very slow in embracing globalization and open market economies. While India’s liberalization policies started in the 1990s, China welcomed foreign direct investment and private investment in the mid 1980s. This made a significant change in its economy and the GDP increased considerably. Difference in infrastructure and other aspects of economic growth 19.Compared to India, China has a much well developed infrastructure. Some of the important factors that have created a stark difference between the economies of the two countries are manpower and labor development, water management, health care facilities and services, communication, civic amenities and so on. All these aspects are well developed in China which has put a positive impact in its economy to make it one of the best in the world. Although India has become much developed than before, it is still plagued by problems such as poverty, unemployment, lack of civic amenities and so on. In fact unlike India, China is still investing in huge amounts towards manpower development and strengthening of infrastructure. 20.China mostly depends on Foreign Investments and also gets debts from US for mobilizing the required resources for its production and growth and has modernized its army by seizing civilian lands which has nothing to do with stumbling financial markets. China accelerates its growth by its export driven economy that places good at Balance of Payments, foreign exchange reserve s. 21.India is developing home grown companies to cater to its own and overseas needs and is attracting foreign investment which is offering 20% returns on investment opportunity that is the reason for Japan’s 5 billion dollar investment in industrial corridor in India. Also the takeover tool of Indian companies like TATA, Reliance is zooming growth rate with a handful promise of contribution fostered by government owned companies like ONGC, IOC. Other Areas 22.China has got good infrastructure and a breakthrough for making The fastest train which runs at 430km/hr owns by china strengthens the transportation connectivity and infrastructure is provided ample importance by building vast roads with single way allowance for commutation thus offering more feasibility for trade relations in the country. On the other hand it is employing knowledge people, but some constraints like, non English speaking people has been recently brought into light, for which China government took initiative to train their human capital with enough English to deal with International Business. Conclusion 24.India still being called as a developing country has drastically improved in providing urban infrastructure while the rural community has been neglected showing the cause in terms of economic development through industrial area. Industrial corridors and other innovative action is driving both growth and employment making it a power hub in the future with an abundant human capital both qualitatively and quantitatively.