Friday, May 31, 2019

Quetzalcoatl: Man Or Myth? :: essays research papers

The Legend of Quetzalcoatl Man or Myth?From the beginning of the Toltec reign in Central Mexico, the deity Quetzalcoatl has been a central compute in the religion and culture of Mexico. This is undisputed. What can be disputed, however, is Quetzalcoatls legitimacy as an diachronic figure. The deity Quetzalcoatl, or the plumed serpent is inseparable from the bit Ce Acatl Topitlzin Quetzalcoatl, known to be a famous leader in pre-historical Mexican myth. The dissection becomes more difficult still as the Spanish friars introduced Christianity and in an adjudicate to assimilate the Indians, created a parallel between Indian deity Quetzalcoatl and the Catholic figure St. Thomas. In doing so, the priests hoped to incorporate Indian culture and religion into Christianity. In the process, however, they changed and disgraced the pre-Christian notions of the god. What information we have now of Quetzalcoatl must be recognized as flawed over the centuries, and we must take this into accou nt when trying to examine the historical origins of one of the three figures. However, with cautious examination, we can separate these three figures and determine each ones traits independent of the others.To understand the mythical figure Quetzalcoatl, the depression of the trinity to emerge, one must look further in to the religious belief of the pre-Columbian peoples. In the real period, Quetzalcoatl represented a sort of binary star opposition between earth and heaven, visible in his name, quetzalli, or precious green feather, and coatl, the serpent. Precious green feather, according to Enrique Florescano, referred to a annulus, which in the Classical period symbolized the heavens. Coatl, the serpent, symbolized earth, and so the mythical creature Quetzalcoatl was a link between the two, present before the Toltec civilization began, and gave birth to the image of twins, one of life, fertility and night club (the bird) and the other representing the fatality of death (the s erpent) . Yet the link between the immortal and the mortal was further construed by the Classical Period Indians than even the symbolism of the bird and serpent. The binary oppositions within day and night, also the Morning Star and the Evening Star became entangled within the earliest surviving myths of Quetzalcoatl.There is a lovely line between the religious and the mythological in Pre-Columbian Mexico. While Quetzalcoatl began as a symbolic interpretation to link life and death, or the gods and humans, his purport soon extended to an intercessor between the two, symbolic in the ball court game which he is attributed with founding .

the pledge of allegiance Essay -- essays research papers

The goner Of AllegianceThe Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by a man named Francis Bellamy for a childrens magazine called The juvenilitys Companion. Mr. Bellamy wanted the flag to fly above of all timey school in America so that children would feel pride and love for their country when reciting the quarrel to the Pledge of Allegiance. That was before the recent September 11, 2001 attacks.The Pledge of Allegiance is a solemn oath of allegiance or fidelity to the U.S. I pledge allegiance, has everlastingly meant a backbreaking devotion to or a solemn promise of loyalty of a citizen to his or her government. This is nonhing but the truth since September 11,2001. much than ever sport we all seen the strong devotion and dedication to this great country. In the first few days after the terrorists attacks you couldnt steal an American flag anywhere. Everyone had in some way symbolized his or her strong patriotism, in a visual sense and an emotional sense. It didnt seem t o have the strong feeling that accompanied the strong words until recent.To the flag, a piece of cloth varying in size, shape, color, and design, usually attached to one end of a module or cord and used as the symbol of a nation, state or organization. Not these days. The flag that we are talking somewhat is not about size, shape and color. A symbol of a nation is closer but doesnt capture it. What we are clear... the pledge of allegiance Essay -- essays search papers The Pledge Of AllegianceThe Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by a man named Francis Bellamy for a childrens magazine called The Youths Companion. Mr. Bellamy wanted the flag to fly above every school in America so that children would feel pride and love for their country when reciting the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. That was before the recent September 11, 2001 attacks.The Pledge of Allegiance is a solemn oath of allegiance or fidelity to the U.S. I pledge allegiance, has always meant a strong devotion to or a solemn promise of loyalty of a citizen to his or her government. This is nothing but the truth since September 11,2001. More than ever have we all seen the strong devotion and dedication to this great country. In the first few days after the terrorists attacks you couldnt buy an American flag anywhere. Everyone had in some way symbolized his or her strong patriotism, in a visual sense and an emotional sense. It didnt seem to have the strong feeling that accompanied the strong words until recent.To the flag, a piece of cloth varying in size, shape, color, and design, usually attached to one end of a staff or cord and used as the symbol of a nation, state or organization. Not these days. The flag that we are talking about is not about size, shape and color. A symbol of a nation is closer but doesnt capture it. What we are clear...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Cuban Missile Crisis Essay -- American History Cuba Essays

The Cuban Missile Crisis John F. Kennedys greatest triumph as President of the United States came in 1962, as the worlds two largest superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, edged closer and closer to nuclear war. The Soviet premier of Russia was caught arming Fidel Castro with nuclear weapons. The confrontation left field the world in fear for thirteen long days, with the life of the world on the draw in. In 1962, Nikita Khrushchev, Premier of the Soviet Union, employed a daring gambit. He secretly ordered the placement of Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba. Earlier the Soviet premier had promised Soviet protection to Cuba (Cuban 774). This was the first time each such weapons had been placed outside of Eurasia (Hersh 345). Several explanations for his actions have been offered by historians. One factor in Khrushchevs decision was a strategic cardinal (Hersh 346). A year earlier, the United States had placed several medium-range nuclear missiles in Turkey (Cuban 774). The missiles were just across the Black Sea from the Soviet Union, within potty of Khrushchevs summer home (Hersh 346). President Kennedy had earlier ignored his advisors and placed nuclear missiles in Turkey. Another factor was a threat by the US to one of the Soviet Unions satellite countries, Cuba (Hersh 346). The United States had, in the past, attempted to kill Fidel Castro, dictator of Cuba (Brinkley 1047). In July of 1962, the United States found out that nuclear missile shipments were being make to Cuba. United States U-2 spy planes flew over the island, bringing back reports of construction and ballistic missiles (Cuban 744). The CIA found that five thousand Russian host technicians were in Cuba, and discordant military weapons were being unloaded onto the island. When U-2 activity was increased, reports showed the presence of SAMs (surface-to-air missiles) and torpedo boats with ship-to-ship rockets (Mills 233). On September 4, Soviet ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin met with R obert Kennedy to discuss a message from Khrushchev. According to the message, the military buildup was defensive in nature and not militarily threatening. Robert F. Kennedy informed the ambassador that the United States would closely watch all military activity in Cuba and warned of ascetical consequences should the Soviets place offensive weapons (Mills 233). President Kennedy apparently did not believe the ... ...were removed and the sites demolished. Khrushchev soon announced that he would concentrate on Russias economic problems instead of internationalistic military matters. He asked for solutions from the West in solving the Berlin dilemma. He thought that in the next war, the survivors will envy the dead (Mills 246). On Christmas Eve, 1962, over $50 million of baby food and medical supplies were sent, and the Bay of Pigs prisoners were released. In April 1963, Kennedy had the Jupiter missiles removed from Turkey, and four months later, Russia signed the nuclear test ban tr eaty. A hot line teletype link now enabled instant communication between Moscow and Washington, and the US sold extra wheat and flour to the Soviet Union. The tide of the Cold struggle turned--for a little while (Mills 247). The crisis was the closest the world had ever come to global nuclear war and could possibly be the reason for Khrushchevs fall in 1964 (Cuban 774). Those thirteen days left the world in awe of the determination and responsibility of the United States and its young president (Hersh 342). John Kennedy summarized his dealings with Khrushchev in just five words I cut his balls off (Hersh 341).

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Electric Light Orchestra :: essays research papers

The Electric wispy OrchestraThe biggest compliment a batch can get is to have another singer write a song to the highest degree how much they like them, as Randy Newman did in 1979 about ELO with the release of The Story of a Rock and Roll Band. In the song he said, I love their Mr. Blue Sky Almost my favorite is Turn to St whiz And how bout Telephone Line? I love that ELO (Wild 5)The band created in 1971 by Jeff Lynne, Roy Wood, and Bev Bevan used cellos and violins to create a classical sound. Although Roy Wood left shortly after their first record was released. The idea came about when Jeff Lynne said to Roy Wood, What if we had a band with strings- real strings? (Wild 9) They were in The Move at the time and decided to create a band on the side. They c all tolded this experimental band The Electric Light Orchestra. Of the groups name Lynne remembers, At the time people thought ELO was pretty bad. It was like The Electric Light what? The name was as wacky as the idea really. ( Wild 9) Jeff Lynn was one of the most important members of the band. He was born on December 30, 1947 in Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Lynne was interested in music while he was shut away in school. When he was fifteen years his father got him a guitar. Though it was made of plastic and had only one string he practiced it all the time. (Petersdorff 3) Jeff was a big Beatles fan. Lynne is asked if he now admits to being a Beatles fan. I confess, Lynne says with a laugh. Im dead guilty of being a Beatles fan. (Wild 10) other founding member of the band was Bev Bevan. He was born Beverly Bevan in Birmingham, U.K. on November 25, 1945. He formed his first professional band, called Denny Lain and the Diplomats, in 1963.He retired from music to become a furniture salesman, but then joined Carl Wayne and the Vikings. He then later joined The Move and helped create ELO. (Petersdorff 4) The third important member of ELO was Richard Tandy. Tandy was born on March 26, 1948 in Birmingham, U.K. At Moseley Grammar School he had been taught to play bass and guitar. Tandys first gig was at Solihull Civic Hall when he was fifteen. He was in many different bands before joining ELO.

Aims of Training and Development Essay -- Business and Management Stud

Aims of cooking and DevelopmentTraining can be teaching method employees new skills that are relevant totheir current job position or refreshing the skills that they alreadypossess. To have a good knowledge and maturement course enablesfirms to develop individual employees and the organisation itself as cooking is one of the best forms of motivation. Employees are able tobroaden their knowledge and become much valued indoors the firm. Havinga well-trained workforce is greatly beneficial for a company asemployees are likely to be more incite and tar give out driven. Also diverse jobs and tasks are likely to be carried out more efficientlyif the workforce is highly skilled at what they do. Listed below aresome off the principal(prenominal) benefits to a company in having a well-trainedworkforce- Training and development will enable a company to have a much more flexible workforce- Employees will become more motivated and are then likely to be more productive- If employees ar e offered advanced training in areas such as ICT, HSBC may find that can progress further as a firm into more advanced markets- If employees are motivated and comfortable in the work they do there will be a fall in absenteeism- If employees are properly trained in health and safety accidents around the workplace will be reduced Types of TrainingThe three main types of training that companies offer are- Induction Training- on the job Training- Off-the-job TrainingInduction TrainingThis involves introducing new employees to the workplace, existingemployees and showing them what the job will entail. It is importantthat the they get an idea of how the company is run, the companieshistory and that they get familiar with the services and products thecompany offer. During the induction process employees will be shownhealth and safety procedures and the basic layout of the workplace.This is so they know where an appropriate member of mental faculty if a problemwas to occur. The induc tion process allows employees to gain essentialknowledge before starting their job and ensures safety and maintenancein the workplace.On-the-job Training During on-the-job training employees are taught the skills andtechniques they need while actually carrying out their job. Types ofon-the-job training include Coaching and Mentori... ...nowledge and thiswill depend on their breeding ability and training needs. To plan thisproperly HSBC design a training and development plan and use it tosummarise the required financial support.The training is sort out into Training and Competence Management Development Supervision/team leader courses Professional qualifications Maintenance of professional knowledge Learning Centre Individual training needs HSBC Individual training needs externalThe finance part will budget a certain amount for training andthe training department will have to make sure they stick to it. Thismeans that the training department would have to justify all costsassoc iated with the various training and development methods. Theywould have to assess how many hours and how many workers the trainingwill use to get a rough idea of the cost. Clearwater StrategyHSBC use a dodge known as Clearwater. This is a strategy fordifferentiating the bank from its competitors through the provision ofhigh quality customer service. This would create an environmentconducive to increased sales producing income growth and thusincreased profitability.

Roles of the Housekeeper and Nursemaid in Brontes Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre essays

Roles of the Housekeeper and Nursemaid in Brontes Jane Eyre Just as servants played an essential role in Victorian England, they besides played an essential role in the novel Jane Eyre. Bronte uses servants in a variety of ways. For example the housekeeper is used to bring terror and utter rejection on Jane. The nursemaid is used to teach Jane to love and cite without neglecting discipline. The housekeeper was most often a widow, working for her kin (Hill 119). Mrs. Fairfax falls under the category of the widowed older lady working for her kin (107 ch. 11). It is Mrs. Fairfax who responds to Janes ad and hires her (96 ch. 10). It is also Mrs. Fairfax who warns Jane before her wedding to Rochester that she should not trust him. Being the housekeeper as well as kin Mrs. Fairfax knows a lot about Rochester. She suggests that Jane keep Mr. Rochester at a distance distrust yourself as well as him ( 263 ch. 24). Bronte uses the stern housekeeper in the novel to influence Jane. The stern and disproving Mrs. Fairfax signifies the distress and turmoil that is soon to dash place with the pending wedding. The housekeeper was often a terror to other servants in the home, and is the character of many stories haunting (Huggert 33). Mrs. Fairfax adhering to her role as housekeeper attempts to stir terror in Jane about marrying Rochester by telling her to distrust him (263 ch. 24). We find that Mrs. Fairfaxs warning does indeed take a toll on Janes behavior toward Rochester. afterward treating Rochester coolly for weeks, Jane says, Mrs. Fairfax, I saw, approved me (272 ch. 25). The same kind of attributes are displayed by Hannah the housekeeper at Moor House. The same kind of close loyal bond is also displayed by Hannah. When Jane knocks on the door of Moor House , it is Hannah who answers and turns her away. Hannahs loyalty to the family causes her to distrust strangers and attempt to protect their interests. She refuses to allow Jane to even speak to her mistresses (329 ch. 28 ). Jane continues claiming she leave behind die if turned away. Hannah responds Not you. Im feard you have some ill plans agate, that bring you about folks houses at this time o night. If youve any followers- housebreakers or such like- anywhere near, you may tell them we are not by ourselves in the house we have a gentleman, and dogs, and guns.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Mini Position Paper Essay

Many drills exist that dont create student success. In too many school systems today, students are deprived of the procreation they necessitate to become victorious in life. What is society doing to make sure these students find their way? What does it take for them to become successful p cunningicipants of society? After reading Freires, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, I must say there is some truth to students being oppressed for they are being hale to matriculate in an educational environment they arent familiar with cant survive in or dont want to be in.Students who are in the predicament noted above are not able to thrive in a strong academic environment because, as Freire states, they dont realise their reality. If they knew their reality, they would be better prepared to adjust to what they need for academic success. My position is that students that will better succeed in vocational or magnet schools. The vocational option is best suited for students that are not college bou nd and need to learn hands-on job skills to work reclaim out of high school. For the nontraditional student the magnet option can work well.As a dancer, I attended magnet performing art school and this opportunity allowed me to learn about my craft and move on to earning a scholarship to Temple University in dance and theater. It allowed me the option to get obscure in a field that I love and having a love for what you do makes the difference in which you become. There is no denying that people are mentally in different places at different times in their lives. Whether they have been raised in a single parent home, or whether they grew up in an environment that isnt conducive to learning, it is important that students know what they can handle in an educational setting.For some students, an advanced math class or AP courses whitethorn not be reasonable. There are some students that understand where they stand academically and know that they arent able to learn under the same condi tions as other students. These students need to develop other avenues in which to become successful. Vocational and Magnet schools are a great source for students that arent ready for a rigorous academic curriculum. Although students will still get the core courses they need to graduate, they will also have a trade that will at least keep them employed and able to take care of them after graduating.There are students that have a love for cosmetology, auto mechanics or pull down plumbing. peerless important fact is that there are colleges that offer two year degrees in these vocational trades. It is crucial that todays generation know that there are options outside of becoming a doctor or lawyer. While we always need lawyers, doctors, and teachers, the world also take mechanics to mussiness cars, a plumber to fix leaks the correct way or even a specialist to make sure a heating or publicise conditioning system is properly working.It is important that todays student be comfortabl e in knowing that being academically challenged is okay, and that choosing a vocational education is an option. Vocational Magnet educations are just as important and should be interjected in all of todays schools for they too serve a vital function in preparing our students in life. The Guardian, a newspaper printed in the U. K. , ran an article in 2013 regarding vocational educations. It questioned the validity of the concept of vocational educations by asking the public if they value vocational skills.The article allowed people to give their opinions. Although most people were in support of vocational education, there were some that werent. One person commented that though he didnt look down on vocational education, he would not consider the vocational route if he didnt get the grades needed to attend a university. He finished by explaining he would definitely go for A-levels because in his opinion, they are far more value by employers and universities. In his opinion, having a career rather than a skill is more esteemed.After reading the article, I was stunned at the idea that vocational educations arent respected. That a plumber or custodian is not valued is a disrespectful and cocky position to take. Society will always needs someone to make sure offices are clean and bathroom toilets run properly. People underestimate that diverse careers are needed for the world to effectively revolve. regrettably vocational skills like plumbing, carp entre, and electricians have been downgraded in social status over the years.One of the biggest issues in education today is low graduation rates, low college entry and a growing rate of unemployment. Vocational education can be the resolution to this problem. What are missing in schools are alternatives like a adept baccalaureate, which offers valuable learning and real skills, and leads to real jobs for young people. Getting children in the right program for their learning needs is what leads to success. Vocational qu alifications serve a need for particular kinds of students and are very important skills.Vocational education training provides career and technical education for students interested in jobs that are based upon labour-intensive or real-world jobs. The plus side to vocational education is that students have the opportunity to work in their field while in school it requires less education than four year degree programs the vocational fields are vast and varied such as, pharmacy and medical technicians, paralegals, medical assistants, office assistants, cosmetologists, mechanics and structure workers it assists in higher graduation rates increased employment and overall student achievement.The objective in education is to assist students in their quest of having a stable life. A vocational education reinforces the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improves accountability for students.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Math: Mathematics and Nurses

Math and Nursing February 9, 2013 Math and Nursing * My field of study in nursing. Nurses play a vital role in aid doctors care for patients in a variety of settings. In the field of nursing, mathematics is a all important(p) part of care loose. * Nurses reserve to use a variety of math concepts on their job everyday. Nurses must have a great knowledge of math to ensure that patients get the correct amount of medication, food and proper care. * The role a nurse plays in healthcare is vital and there is no way of life for mistakes when it comes to knowing and using math skills.It could be the difference between life and death. * Nurses have to be familiar with statistics when needing to know the side effects of medications and to counsel patients when giving a diagnosis. It is helpful to know statistics of diseases and what a persons outcome may be. * On a daily basis, nurses use algebra when reading charts, calculating medication doses, and reading testing ground results. * Th e metric system is most commonly used in the field of nursing. Nurses must be able to interchange the metric system to Imperial and U. S. measurements. (Glydon, 2012). A nurse must be able to translate a doctors orders given in g, mcg, kg or min. He or she in like manner must prefigure these measurements into milligrams per hour to dispense. These measurements are used to test blood, urine, take vital signs and record intake and output of fluids. * For example Dilantin,0. 1 g, is ordered to be given through a tube. Dilantin is available as30 mg/5 mL. How much would I, the nurse, give the patient? Using this formula downstairs for calculating volume, I found that I would give the patient 16. 7 mL. Ordered Have xVolume = Y (Liquid) I would need to convert 0. 1 g to mg 0. 1 g x 1,000 = degree Celsius mg 100 mg 30 mg x5 mL = 16. 7 mL (Haigh, 2011). * Nurses use drug calculations when they already know the strength of the medication that the patient needs. Example If the doctor or ders 975 mg of Tylenol and I have 325 mg tablets, how many will I give the patient? I know that 325 mg = 1 tablet, and I need 975 mg in an cabalistic number of tablets. I would use an algebra formula such as this one to find how many tablets I would give the patient. 325 mg 1 tab = 975 mg x tab 25 mg x tab = 1 tab 975 mg 325x = 975 x = 3 I would give the patient 3 tablets. (How to calculate, 2002). In conclusion, the role that math plays in the field of nursing is crucial. Without knowing specific types of math, nurses would not be able to perform essential roles in helping doctors care for patients. Memorizing and using these formulas, equations, and conversions are vital in providing the most responsible health care possible. References Glydon, Natasha. Medicine and Math. www. MathCentral. com. N. p. 2012. Retrieved February 1, 2013.Haigh, Steve. Helping nursing students prepare for exams. www. Dosagehelp. com. N. p. Retrieved Jan 25, 2013. How to calculate drug doses. N. a. ww w. nursingtimes. net. N. p. Sept. 2002. Retrieved February 1, 2013. Retrieved from http//www. bing. com/images/search? q=nurse+measuring+meds&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=nurse+measuring+meds&sc=0-11&sp=-1&sk=. 2009 (image reference) Retrieved from http//ts3. mm. bing. net/th? id=H. 4513783909452038&pid=1. 7&w=100&h=100&c=7&rs=1. 2011 (image reference)

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Business law conditional acceptance Essay

Forming a contract thither must be six demand elements which are acceptation, consideration, purport to be legally binding, capacity of the contract and finally legality of the promises.1To archive an agreement between the carryor and creviceee there is a conventionalism whereby offer+ espousal=agreement.2An offer has to be created firstly. An offer means the indication by bingle person to an separate of his willingness to enter a contract with the other person on curtain terms.3An offer fuel either be written or oral example of an offer are email, letters, verbally religious offering several(prenominal)thing and internet. The purpose of this research essay is to see how the Australian contract law about toleration must be unconditional and final. This essay also states how throw the laws are about acceptance and how the court decides the shells about conditional or qualified acceptance.Acceptance is an act performed by the offeree by the way of acceptance of the offer and which therefore creates a binding contract between the both parties.4 Besides that, there are other natures of acceptance which is call-offer. Counter-offer is an offer that the offeree has countered the maestro offer by suggesting a new offer. According to the court counter-offer will automatically destroy the original offer.5Besides a counter offer an offeree can also request for more information. People tend to see this as a counter offer further the court has unyielding that this is a request for more information its a mere inquiry and not a counter offer.6The result of St planeson Jacques & co v Mclean explains that Stevenson asked for the price just now whether he can deliver the coin over two months or if not the longest limit would be given, but there was no response form McLean and Stevenson cabled that he accept the offer, but McLean has sold it to someone and said that Stevenson counter offer the offer. The court has decided that Stevenson was requesting for i nformation not counter offering the deal.7To reach an agreement the both parties has to switch a meeting of the minds.8This means that for an agreement to be occur the acceptance of either offer should be unconditional and complete.9The case that develop the law that acceptance must be unconditional, clear and unequivocal is Masters V Cameron.10 The court had to decide whether the sale note was a binding contract.11 The sale note had a clause that Cameron solicitor had power to prepare the contract that in favor of Cameron demand, masters had to force to accept any demand that Cameron decides and it also was a former agreement and not a conclusive document.The court held that there was no binding agreement between both of the parties only they had condition to the agreement where one party doesnt accept it. In other words the both parties was in a negation stage. The high court of Australia had to make the same decision if any future cases arise with the similar facts.12Besides t hat, similar problem had surfaced in the case of Souter V Shyamba Pty Ltd.13The court had to decide whether the document on 1 may 2002 was a binding contract or the parties just agreed on the price of the hotel, intending that no binding contract would come into existence until the exchange of a ball contract prepared by their solicitor. The court decided that there was a contract between both of the parties because firstly. There were formalities between both of them. Secondly, there was no reference that the document had terms like subject to contract or subject to finance.Lastly they had advice from their solicitor and they knew exactly what was happening. The court decided that the document on May 1 was a binding contract cause they had a price, the parties agreed and they had essential terms in that document.14There was a case that had an opposite decision of the court which is the case of First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Brisbane as Trustee under Instrument 7020202154 v Ormlie Trading Pty Ltd.15The court held that the parties had no purpose of entering into a binding contract even though they have reached an agreement on the essential terms. The both letter had in principle in it. The court said that in principle indicates that there were no unqualified acceptance by the offeree of the offer.16This cases had strong court judgment that the first rule of acceptance that is must be clear and unequivocal and certainly not conditional.17 Conditional acceptance might also been known as qualified acceptance.This type of acceptance is known as when a person to whom an offer has been make tells the offeror that he or she is willing to agree to the offer provided that there are some changes are made in its terms or that some condition or event occurs. This is merely a counter offer this isnt an acceptance.18The case that showed that conditional offer is a counter offer is Hyde v Wrench.19The story was when an offer was made to Hyde by wrench to buy the pro perty for $1000, but then Hyde made a new offer stating that can he buy it for $950.Wrench rejected this offer then, Hyde wanted to buy the property back with the original price of $1000 and wrench refused to sell it. Then, Hyde sued wrench to enforce the original contract. The court decided that Hyde and destroyed the original offer cause he counter offered the deal with a new offer and according to the court this will destroy the original contract and cant be done anything by the offeror.20Curtain contract of purchase of goods or real estate there is a term subject to contract. This means that the contract will be accepted when the subject or the purchaser has the reasonable finance to purchase.21The case that develop this condition is Meehan v Jones.22 Agreement containing this phase can be hence binding, while noting that the effect of this clause has to be ultimately decided by the both parties. The court had decided that the agreement was binding and this phase wasnt a condit ion implied by one person. This has to be fully determined by the purchaser if he has suitable financial needs to accept the agreement and has the intention to be legally bound by this phase. Deciding whether he or she has enough of financial need, the purchaser had to act honestly, or honestly and reasonably. once the finance is obtained, the contract would come legally binding.Current case like Australian securities and investment commission v Fortescue Metals group Ltd had no acceptance involved.23Even though, the both parties had essential agreement which had price, subject military issue and scheduling. Fortescue Metals group Ltd had entered an agreement with a Chinese contractor to build an infrastructure for a mining work in South Australia. While they had an agreement between Australian securities and investment commission. The court had decided that there were no binding contract between the both parties even though, they decided with price matter and the scheduling. The court stated that there were no acceptance involved between the both parties because the party had left crucial matter in the offer and the other party didnt accept the offer even though prices time and matter was discussed.In conclusion, the high court of Australia has made it actually clear that acceptance must be clear, unconditional and unqualified.If there are condition to the agreement it means that its merely and counter offer not the original offer. Besides that, incomplete agreement are not acceptance but merely the both parties are in a negotiating stage. preliminary cases such as Masters V Cameron, Souter V Shyamba Pty Ltd, First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Brisbane as Trustee under Instrument 7020202154 v Ormlie Trading Pty Ltd has made it very clear how the court decides on future cases regarding acceptance. In my opinion, acceptance cant be final if the offeree doesnt accept the offer and acceptance cant happen when both parties doesnt want it to be legally bin ding. The current case like Australian securities and investment commission v Fortescue Metals Group Ltd had made it clear they followed their precedent cases about acceptance and how it has to be unconditional and clear24. A person cant accept some of the agreement and put away curtain agreement this means they are not fully accepting the offer only negotiating about it.25(1408 words)

Friday, May 24, 2019

Ethics Game & Reflective Journal Essay

This journal contains the reflection of the Ethics Game simulation assignment. The purpose of this paper is to describe the steps and mold that I used to answer the ethical questions expectd in two simulation impales The case of the troubled Teen and Policies and Politics. In addition I pull up stakes also discuss how these concepts relate to my oeuvre. The case of the Troubled Teen This case describes the case of an unmarried, 16 year old pregnant patient (RB) admitted to the labor and delivery, attach to by her parents. Parents chose to limit medication citing personal reasons. The primary nurse (YN) is concerned that the bunk may become critical for the patient and unborn baby.The nursing lag is also concerned that the parents may not understand the consequences of their action. The ethical place in this case is how to ensure inviolable delivery of the baby and to provide equal medical care to both mother and baby. The case of Policy and Politics This case describes on e of the ICU patients AT, who is unconscious for few days, was brought to the infirmary by his domestic help partner. YM, his partner was beside him in the ER but he was not allowed to be with the patient after transferring to ICU. The day supervisor CB prevented Yves from chideing AT. Her actions violated current hospital same sex domestic partner policy. The question her is if the rights of the patient and the significant others have been violated here.Decision making stepsI used an organised process to make this ethical decision called the Baird Method, which consists of four steps. Step 1 Identify the issue in the ethical dilemma, and evaluate the evidence. I neediness to be attentive as to gather all data to determine which issue has to be resolved. Step 2 Identify the primary stakeholders. I have to be intelligent and identify the real issue in the case. Step 3 Use my knowledge, be reasonable, fair, and understand my duty, which focus on the equal rights and remember my e ccentric on the impact on stakeholders. Step 4 Develop a situation that has balance and meets the needs of all stakeholders and communicate the decision to everyone involved. Applying these steps to issue of the Troubled teenI gathered all the information from the patients chart, went over the careplan, medical plan and received the bedside verbal write up from the outgoing nurse. She was not given adequate pain medicine nor seen by the physician on call because she/he was attending an emergency elsewhere. The stakeholders in this situation are as follows RB, the patientLB, RBs unborn childRBs parentsShift supervisorYN, RN caring for RBThe ShareholdersApplying these steps to the issue of Policy and Politics First of all here, I have to identify the problem. There are two issues here. One is allowing the domestic partner to visit the patient and the second one is to make sure that the hospital staffs follow the policy of the hospital. The stakeholders areAT, the ICU patientYM, the d omestic partnerStaff nurse, MCB, the shift supervisorAF, the director of nursingThe ShareholdersEthical genus Lens system used that influenced decisionsLens used in Troubled Teen case Using the rights and office lens, I could identify my duties as to assure that the care of the pregnant teen is not compromised and for those who cannot speak for themselves. I want to ensure that there is a safe delivery of the mother and the baby is safe. Result lens considers focus on the results we want in our community and how it contributes to the greater good in our community and to greater number of people. I used the action that tilted towards sensibility because I honored the need in this situation to consider parental wishes and aftercare of mother and baby. In the first situation the rights and responsibility lens was first and foremost in my mind. My duty made me to assure that the care of the patient and her unborn baby was not in danger nor the care was compromised especially when som eone cant speak for themselves.I used the result lens to make the care plans and involve the parents in the care oftheir child and grandchild with the help of chaplain. In the second situation, it focused on the system and allowed me to incorporate what is best for the system and community, however protecting the rights of both. Lens used in the Policies and Politics case In this case the use of relationship lens and reputation lens was used. The relationship lens focuses on the processes that systems need an ethical organization. The ethical lens tries to protect the basic liberties of everyone and this situation the domestic partner is to be treated like either other person. However, the reputation lens focuses on assuring that the hospital protocols are consistently followed and in this situation the partner should be allowed to visit his other partner.How concepts relate to the workplaceIn my workplace I face difficult ethical decisions associated with patient care and the poli cies set forth by the care agencies. This simulation helped me to recognize my own personal values, such as equality, fairness, compassion, which influences my decision in various decisions. This game helped me to examine the decision making process when faced with the difficult situations and how to make the right decision during any dilemma. The process set up in our workplace might not be ethical one for that particular situation but in this scenarios they were not followed blindly, but the best option was picked to solve them. Identifying my personal values and gaining knowledge of the ethical lenses allowed me to minimize necessary conflict at work and deal this instant with the situation.CONCLUSIONEthical issues at work place associated with the patient care can add stress and increased burden on the nurses. The ethical game simulation allowed me to identify the issues and guided me through a systematic approach to solve the dilemma. This exercise helped me to prepare for a situation which will help me to center stress and make a sound judgment. The lenses allowed me to gain knowledge and insight to solve the problems.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Age-Related Changes that Occur in the Cardiovascular System Essay

The title p period introducing what work I am planning on presenting to the residents of the independent living facility. It tells them who I am and what subject is existence presented. The residents that I am going to be addressing are wellnessy, active and mentally alert senior who want to learn more about health conditions that are affecting their age group in general and are of major concern. Slide 2 Homeostasis is the equilibrium of the consistency.Homeostasis is maintained by the balance of our life-sustaining signs to keep us on an up to now keel. The definition of Homeostasis is, Homeostasis is the compensation of the vital signs to regulate the unions line of business flow and maintain balance within the body (Jenkins, Kemnitz, & Tortora 2010). The autonomic system and its branches keep the body moving and functioning. Like these teeter-totters the parasympathetic and the sympathetic move oppose of each other, that keep a ho-hum steady rhythm and together they work as a whole.Slide 3 The fight or flight dilemma. The fight stance is pretty obvious these are noniceable effects like pupils dilated, neck and shoulders stiffen up or tense, chest pain or palpations, mouth move get real dry or cotton mouth, these are just some of the examples of signs and symptoms that an individual offer experience. The flight stance is more hidden and not necessarily set by the patient or doctor until the more noticeable symptoms are visible.Some of the hidden symptoms can be, but not limited to blood stuff can get higher to a dangerous level, more adrenalin is released into the individuals system, liver produces more glucose to give energy to the muscles, and the digestion system will slow or stop completely. Slide 4 Some of the side effects from medication or treatments can be uncomfortable and more severe than the symptoms of the condition that is being treated. Looking on the brighter side is that once the medication or treatments are manageable the medi cation is controlling the condition, than life can get back to recipe except for some life style changes.Diet and exercise can be the most drastic changes, and the hardest to comply with. If an individual has never exercised much and has lived on fast food, eating healthy and increasing activity besides sitting in front of the television can be the most challenging. Slide 5 A hypertensive heart has thickened ventricular walls which make the heart work harder to pump the blood throughout the body. When the walls thicken, the elasticity is decreases and the heart and other systems study to work harder to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body.Any condition that affects the oxygenated blood from flowing through the heart can receive the ventricular walls to thicken. As we age our blood pressure increases, age, ethninticity, weight, and genetics can play a role in a hypertensive heart condition. Slide 6 Hypertension is sometimes call, The Silent Killer (www. medicinenet. com 2013) . Hypertension commonly does not have any symptoms and puts a lot of test on other major organs which all(prenominal)place time will start to deteriorate.Some side- affects that can impact quality of life are sexual dysfunction, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, and neurological problems. Sexual dysfunction is usually more noticeable and bothersome to men. Heart disease can lead to other heart related problems, like heart attack (MCI), stroke (CVA), and congestive heart failure (CHF). Slide 7 After the diagnosis of hypertension, the physician and individual will work on a plan to manage the hypertension. almost of the time this includes medication, low fat, low sodium diet and exercise.This will include some changes in your familys life to. Our society functions on fast food, and not enough education on the right foods to eat. Exercise can be as little as walking around the block or as much as working out at the gym several times a week. Blood pressure needs to be taken ev ery time there is a doctors appointment and sometimes it should be Slide 8 Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is caused from a pliable substance building up in the coronary arteries called plaque. Blood is slowed because of the plaque blocking the arteries and slowing the blood flow.Sometimes the plaque can disengage and cause a blood clot that if not detected and treated can cause a stroke or heart attack. The lack of oxygen-rich blood to the heart and major arteries over time will cause organ to deteriorate and healthy create from raw stuff and muscles will start to die. Acting quickly is the key in recovering from a heart attack or not surviving. Some symptoms can include chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Men by and puffy have classic signs of a heart attack women can have other symptoms that are not classic symptoms, like lower back pain, and even neck pain.Slide 9 Heart attacks can be caused from medication (legal and illegal), stress, diet, generation al, exposure to extreme cold weather, and cigarette smoking. Drugs and alcohol when taken in large quantities can be damaging to body when not prescribed for a treated condition. Narcotics, over-the-counter, cocaine, methamphetamine, methadone, alcohol, even medication for certain conditions if taken differently than prescribed can do harm to the heart and body. Slide 10 Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is the leading cause for hospitalization in individuals over the age of 65 years old.The heart needs to work harder to pump oxygen-rich blood through the body. The myocardiums thickened walls make the heart work harder to pump blood. The heart whitethorn pump more freely to hold more blood or stiffen and harden as time goes on. Slide 11 Some of the symptoms of congestive heart failure is kidneys start retaining water and salt, edema in the legs, ankles, arms and feet. The lungs can start retaining fluid to. More weight from the excess of fluid puts stress on the heart, shortness of bre ath and more exertion on activity. Slide 12 Myocardial Infarction (MCI) is the medical term for heart attack.Some of the symptoms can include seizures, dizziness, fainting, fainting, chest pain or discomfort and extreme fatigue. The person may experience the heart racing really fast, like if they ran a marathon, but were sitting down and relaxing. If the individual has unexplained family deaths at an early age can put them in a higher-risk category. Slide 13 This slide is a picture depicting what might happen in a heart attack. A blood clot can dislodge and move through the blood stream until it blocks oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart or major organ, or it completely blocks the pathway of blood flow.If not treated immediately, it can lead to tissue and muscles becoming damaged or dying all completely and then death. References Jenkins, Kemintz, Tortora (2010) Anatomy and Physiology. John Wiley and Sonc Inc. Kulik. (2013, April). www. medicinenet. com. Retrieved from Myocard ial Infarction www. medicinenet. com Ladwig, A. a. (2014). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook. Mosby by Elsevier Inc. guinea pig Stroke Association. (2012). After Stroke. Effects of Strokes, www. stroke. org. Potter, P. S. (2012). Fundamentals of Nursing. St. Louis Mosby an imprint by Elsevier Inc .

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

What is one conflict that Brian faces in “Brian’s Return”?

Brian finds himself in conflict with nature as he ventures alone and somewhat unprepared into the wilderness. Nature proves blue in her attacks against him, sending torrents of rain and billowing winds that harass his dwelling and begin a series of nearly fatal mishaps. The language expresses the hostility of nature toward him, as the wind was hissing and slashing him with water almost as it the elements had teamed up against him (par. 34). 2.Why are the memories of Willow Creek important to Rick Bass? Support your break up with state from the text. (2-3 sentences) Rick Bass remembers has strong memories of Willow Creek because it was there that he was able to commune with nature and find himself at one with and all the same in awe of something so much greater than himself. The immensity of nature surrounded and pressed him and made him feel the substance of his life in a way he never had before.His memories of nature cause him to realise that he belongs in the wild and not in ci vilization, as he writes that the geese flew away with the die hard of his civility that night (par. 14). 3. How is the power of nature an important theme in both Brians Return and On Willow Creek? Support your answer with evidence from both selections. (3-5 sentences) Nature has overwhelmed both the characters in different ways.Brian was overwhelmed with the powerful force of the elements and the danger that is always imminent living bare and unprotected in the wild. evening what Brian brings for protection, his tent, sighs under the pressure of the natural elements (par. 20). The narrator of On Willow Creek feels the power of nature in its vastness, but finds it inspiring. It causes him to feel his tiny insignificance in compare with natures power, as he writes that all of the hill countrys creatures had helped him understand this (par. 1).

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Group Working Skills Essay

As its saying Two Heads Are Better Then One, what if there were more than two, mickle prefer unraveling with their friends, or others in a theme to achieve their goals easier, but nowadays even studies require a assembly work, and sometimes the extremity of it will be chosen randomly, so they would probably face so many problems that would affect achieving their goals, those problems can be developed with some strategies and dynamic that Im going to provide and analyse it with an example.In my Business foundation year I have been unavoidable to work in a gatheringing to do a Business Plan that represent 40% from the final grade, the group was chosen randomly, I faced some problems during the work that affected our group working, the main ones are related to to Organisation or structure the group more specifically on NORMs, and COHESIVENESS. Payne,E. and Whittaker,L (2000) argued that GROUP DYNAMIC is the name given to the mode that a group deals with factors that affect it from within itself there is some aspects to a group that can be identified such as, Norms, Goals, Roles, Size, Cohesiveness, and Structure of it.The aim of this canvass is to discuss an example of my previous group work, and analyse it concord to group dynamic concepts. As I mentioned being in a group requisite to do Business Plan, the group goal was to present a new idea of a product in the UK, and explain how to set it up, and count the expenses and commercialise it as we learned, however it was important to us because the work was 40% value from the final mark. In the group there were 6 genus Phalluss, so the group was required to do a final presentation of the business plan, and we also was required to meet twice a week.First we faced Two main problems, this work was require some creativity and different ideas, and some of the members were too quiet and they dont like to share their ideas with other members on the group specificly in marketing the product part, so we had some problem in Organisation and Structure, mostly in structure which Payne, Whittaker(2000,p60) defend it as some shell of a group structure will arise spontaneously because most student feel more comfortable given a framework within which to work. Also Payne,E. nd Whittaker,L (2000) argued that whether if the members of the group consciously aware of some certain problems of structures aspect happens to some members of group or not, but the other will be influenced from their patterns doings, and in all groups this kind of behaviour are mainly unwritten, and majority of patterns accept it without realising it, these behaviour called Norms.To avoid such a problem and develop the work, according to Pyne, Whittaker,(2000,p62) argued that Norms always develop in groups and will control or inhibit the behaviour of individual members in a particular set of circumstance. In solvent this kind of problems Payne,L. and Whittker,L(2000) belive that there are ways in norms to develop the work and group may come with a particular develop norm to instigate everyone to work and perform high quality of work, and norms always there exist even if the group was not aware of it. In solving and avoid this particular problem happened, in group is good to have Coordinator For example, Coordinator will join members ideas and suggestion together and coordinate the activities.Other problem that we faced was, because half of the member were holding same nationality, the other members find it difficult to deal with them or even to get knowing them more, because they were always together and prefer to speak in their own language, so the group faced a problem with COHESIVENESS, as it argued is a good dynamic to develop a group, Payne, Whittaker(2000,p65) Cohesiveness is generally utilise to refer to the degree to which members desire to stay in the group and express agreement with the group goals.But there was also some disadvantages of Cohesiveness that related to the problems tha t we faced, Payne, Whittaker(2000,p66) argued that Too much similarity of the behaviour of group members leading to increased cohesiveness, can actually be detrimental to performance. So Developmental Stages of group provide stages that would serve solving Cohesiveness disadvantage mentioned above, which is in stage one GETTING TO KNOE YOU, Payne, Whittaker,(2000P67) argued Group member will attempt to discover which behaviour are acceptable and unacceptable.This is a period of getting to know each other, deciding on goals to pursue, and getting organised. To conclude, I believe that working in group require so many dynamic that helps the members in achieving the group goal easier, while doing so each member will face less problems in working.As it mentioned in the essay about two dynamic that will develop the group unity was setting up some norms that will help and encourage other member to produce high quality of work, and the first stage in developmental stages of groups, which was Getting To Know You stages that argued how to accept and unaccepted members behaviour and decide the goals to peruse. On other hand each group must be aware of problem facing to avoid such problems affecting in their goal achievement.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Principle of Earth Science Essay

The three introduces according from the oldest to the youngest formation ar granite, basalt and at long last andesite formation. This will discuss about the formation, composition, type of intrusion and cooling history of each stages. The granite formation is the oldest stage since granite is formed usually beneath the crust about 1. 5 km up to 50 km depth. Primarily, granite is composed of silicon and alumina about 72. 04% and 14. 42%, respectively. The formation of granite occurs through extreme metasomatism.Through metasomatism, elements are brought out by fluids like potassium and calcium to convert the metamorphic rock to granite. According to Himanshu K. Sachan (1999), granite in the northern Himalaya starts its cooling history at 705 C and continued up to 650 C in the track down of 1. 22. 8 kbar. The next stage is the basalt formation. Basalt is composed of magnesium oxide, calcium oxide and low amount of silicon, atomic number 11 oxide and potassium oxide. The formation of basalt occurs when there is a volcanic eruption either under or supra the. Mostly the formation of basalt occurs underneath the sea.Through the introduction of water the magma hardens to form the basalt. Basalt forms between 50km up to carbon km depth within the mantle and 150 km up to 200 km for around high-alumina basalt. The next stage will be andesite. The youngest of the formation is the perpendicular andesite. After basalt, the most common volcanic rock would be he andesite. The main composition of andesite is silica about 57%. Andesite is formed either by frictional crystallization or magma mixing with felsic rhyolitic. Melting and assimilation of rock fragments by uphill magma to the surface form andesite.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Reclaiming the Commons

My paper is based on the oblige entitled Reclaiming the Commons, by Naomi Klein. In this article the author defines what anti- orbiculateization movement heart and soul in her deal words. The meaning and origins of the frontier anti- world(prenominal)ization movement is disputed amongst versatile socialists and economists, just Klein says that anti- globalisation movement can mean different things to different race based on their interests in a particular issue. It is therefor the movement of m all movements. Before going in depth active the article, it is important to know from where the idea of anti-globalization bonks from and how the movement came into being.Some argue that is all started from Seattle, nevertheless a commode of them atomic number 18 unaw be of the fact that AGM has gone through three beckons. The first wave was back in 1970, when oil prices skyrocketed due to economic downturn, which cartroad to strikes, protests and demonstrations. The second wav e erupted with the displace of the cold war, during the early 1990s and the third wave democracy spread like wild fire. The third and most important wave was during the 50th anniversary of Bretton Woods when the WTO emerged from the GATT.The third wave lead to many activist mathematical groups to rise and this lead to overlapping emphasis on various issues like anti-capitalist groups, womens arights groups, global inequality groups, and many opposites. Klein mentions that peck join the AGM be beat of similar interests and ideologies, which might be different from the regular mass. I personally think that people who do not agree with the common norms of society join these groups in an attempt to show their rebellious attitude towards the big corporations and political powers.It is a known fact that one individual cannot tackle an consummate organization and and so, they form these individuals come together and make an organization of their own. They work together against the elites who turn more or less eachthing into commodities from education, to health care, to natural resources, even we are commodities since we sell our labor, it is considered a commodity. The basic things we need to survive are being privatized by these multinational corporations, beca persona of their greed for power and profit.In our hegemonic society, most of the people are nearly brainwashed by powerful individuals who build leadership and consensus in the face of great inequality. They frame and coil the truth in such a way, that it seems to be in the best interest of the citizens. People who take up this resist to the changes that are implicated on them and the society. These people with similar interests also form a group to protest against these big corporations and their immoralities.So we can see how different groups emerge because of different issues that they face. As Klein mentions in the article, activists who want change are not waiting for a revolution to happe n, they are acting right now because what can be done today should not be left for tomorrow. Another motive is that the global economy and infrastructure keeps changing so rapidly, that it is sometimes hard to catch up to it and if they do want to make a difference, then they need to act quickly.As a result, these activists create their own anti-privatization campaigns and most of the times these campaigns get under way on their own. Sometimes, other activist groups join in together and even though it seems that these organized groups work together, each participate because of their own benefits as I have mentioned above. For example, there can be an alliance between the womens right group and the movements of teensy farmers. Each have their own motifs but if they work together they can get more perplexity and make their voices heard in a stupendousr scale.These are more local campaigns that occur every now and then but there are also larger global scale campaigns that take plac e and these protests are usually directed towards international and supranational organizations like the G-8, the WTO, the World Bank, and the IMF. These movements initially apply to aim at local and national issues, but now because of globalization, they are aimed at the new global order that has no democratic institutions. During these campaigns, protestors take to the streets because that is the main form of ex bosomion that is available to them.In the article, there is an example of Maude Barlow, a Canadian activist, who said that when she was leading the campaign against NAFTA, she was doing that to fight for her nation, but now the cause has gone beyond nationality and state borders. Now things are more global and it is no longer a fight for nationalism but for democracy. When these small activist groups started to get more involved with the global society, they realize it was a much bigger problem then they anticipated. Thanks to the big corporations, they now see the pare n chase aftere cause of these problems.It was clear right from the beginning that these corporations played a big part in creating these issues but now, the activists realize that these money hungry corporations are not only involved, but they are the ones who have created these issues and inequalities in the first place. The rich gets richer, and the poor get poorer, hence the gap keeps on getting bigger and they use the working class citizens to feed them and their selfish needs. As consumers, we always look at the front end of production and ignore the back end because we have never thought of looking at it in any other way. that for me, the back end is more of a terrifying horror story. Underpaid workers, infant labor, and sweatshops are just parts of it, and there are only a few who have stood up against this harsh reality because most people are just afraid to take over up against these large corporations. For example, Nike, one of the biggest corporations in the world use c hild labor and sweatshop and they are the ones who helped pioneer the new mail of activist synergy which basically means the coalition of multiple activist groups to fight against these corporations to create a larger global effect then they would have individually.The basic cause of these activist groups is to stop the WTF, IMF and FTAA from creating any legislation that will directly affect the economy and the working class individuals. Their fear is privatization and the loss of the people. But sometimes, these activists movements turn into violent protests when outsiders who have little knowledge somewhat the reality of the situation try and speed in. This creates chaos and thus the real point remains undelivered.This happens due to the non-hierarchical structure of the movement and the unorganized press conferences. Usually the protests are not thought out or planned before hand, which leads to dramatic circumstances. These are the reasons wherefore companies like Nike are still in business and no matter how much or how big the protest, nothing is being done. The protests might have reduced the issue, as some would like to believe, but did not completely eliminate it. Some people ask, if they know the corporations are so powerful, why stand up against them?The reason Klein mentions is that activists usually protest because they know that the change they anticipate for, will not come through electoral politics or any other form of industrial power and thus, they quarrel the constitutions and structures themselves. There is an obvious injustice and inequality that goes on which are always being undermined, and the reason why these problems occur in the first place is because of the poor decision make of these powers. Instead of the people making the decisions themselves, they are forced to follow the legislation created by these political and industrial powers.Klein also argues that most complaints against the WTO is about governments embracing an eco nomic model that involves much more then opening borders to goods and services and therefore the term anti-globalization is not appropriate. But most people do not understand the term globalization and therefore this movement gets criticized over and over again. If we talk about just anti-globalization, it more or less means being against trade and globalization but in reality, the movement is not against trade but it is against the tag along that come with free trade that are imposed by the government and law makers.In this hegemonic society, it is almost impossible for an individual to stand up and fight against the system alone and that is where the anti-globalization movement comes in. So through this analysis, we can see that there are two types of analysts. There are those activists who fight for global and broader issues, and there are those who fight for day-to-day survivals and are the most neglected. The only ways their voices can be heard is by merging the two together an d form a concrete alliance that is laborious enough to fight these elites.This will create a political framework that can take integrated power and control, and also empower local organizing and self-determination. Therefore, Klein says that the real motif behind the movement is not live it is for or against trade, but if individuals have the right to negotiate the terms and conditions that come with these foreign capitals and investments. In other words, even though the term is a little misleading, their real goal is not to demolish globalization but to make it more fare and equal.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Demerits of Advertising Essay

Advertising is a form of communication utilise to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to continue or take some newfound action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideologic advertising is also common. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or sh arholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various tralatitious media including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct postal service or new media such as websites and text messagesModern advertising developed with the rise of mass merchandise in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Type Demerits1Demerits of Advertising (Objections) Various objections against it may be listed as follows1. Economic Objections a) Advertising is not productive. It is true that it does not produce any tangible goods. It is give tongue to to involve wasteful expenditure. b) It forces race to desire and buy goods, which, in fact, are not within their substance.c) It increases the comprise of goods. Advertising charges are include in the price, which the consumer has to pay. d) Advertising results in monopoly. The consumer becomes a slave to a item brand.2. Social Objections a) Most of the advertisements contain tall claims and the consumers do not enjoy the benefits advertisement in full. They are shortlived only. b) The press is influenced by the advertisers because they provide major revenue for the existence of newspapers.3. Ethical Objections a) Advertising appeals make people to use such articles, which may affect their health. For example alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. b) People with less purchasing male monarch cannot afford to buy articles even though advertisements create a strong need in them. so a section of society remains d iscontented. Whatever may be said against advertising, it is increasingly use almost in every branch of business to promote sales. It is not merely a means of sales promotion but today it has become a science equivalent to any otherwise social science.Type Demerits 2 These are the disadvantages of advertising Increases the cost It increases the cost of goods. The cost of the advertisement is included in the price and is ultimately borne by the customers. Misleads the public It misleads the public by giving false statements rough the product. (It may be true in some cases but majority of advertisers know the value of dependable statements.) Creates a dissatisfaction It creates tastes and desires for some people whose income may not allow them to buy. Such people feel dissatisfied.Creates a monopoly It increases monopolistic trend. Due to advertisement some manufacturers create monopoly in industry and thus reduce intelligent competition. It becomes difficult for new firms to ente r the field. Creates the confusion It creates the possibility of wrong purchases. Being impressed by the advertisement, in some cases, a person is not able to purchase the commodity, which he actually wants to purchase. Encourages luxury This encourages luxury. largely the commodities related to comforts and luxuries are advertised, for example, cigarettes, cosmetic goods and etc. due to advertisement of cigarettes several persons start grass cigarettes, which becomes habit. Reduces cleanliness It reduces cleanliness. Large number of posters and writings on the walls are used for advertisement. This makes the roads and the walls of the houses look dirty. Thus, it reduces the natural beauty. Causes wastage It is a cause of wastage of natural resources. As a results of advertisement, style and fashion change quickly. It makes the goods out of fashion.

Analysis of Human Migration Essay

An Analysis of Human Migration Ever since humans learnt to grow crops as a strong source of food humans have migrated In search of conditions better suited to their needs and comforts. Although every last(predicate) of us alone the 30-40 million that choose to live the nomadic life have abandoned that life style and moved on to a more civilized modern era, migration still remains an option for those of us seeking to take residence In an alternate component of mother earth.The National Geographic clubhouse 1 defines human migration as The movement of people from one place in the world to another for the social occasion of taking up ermanent or semipermanent residence, usually across a governmental boundary. Migration Inside a landmass or political region Is called Internet migration and outside a physical or political border Is called external migration. For example Inside moving inside the continent of Australia would be internal migration but moving into a different contine nt overseas would be external migration.There argon a variety of causes for migration, but they havent changed much through the years and remain fairly similar to the reasons our ancestors chose to migrate. These reasons can be categorized into two sections these being push factors and pull factors. Push factors are reasons for leaving a region because of negative properties of the location and Pull factors are reasons for moving into a place because of positive properties of a location.such(prenominal) factors can further be divided Into Environmental factors like climate, Political Factors Ilke war, Economic factors Ilke work, cultural factors Ilke schooling and utility factors like geographic location and socioeconomic status. Statistically speaking, the humans are extremely roaring as a species. The 7 billionth human was born not long ago and the 10 billionth Is not far away, calculated to be born around the end of the century. The human hotfoot Is not only vast, we are also incredibly diverse and this is what defines us as a species. inwardness when we lost a part of our culture we lose a bit of what it means to be human. This brings us to one of the biggest drawbacks of migration, known as Cultural Extinction. Cultural extinction occurs when a family that Is part of a little culture migrates and the next generation of the respective family is only exposed to the native language and culture, since culture and customs duty is only carried through families, the prospective bearer of this culture is burned out, ending a vein of this uncommon cultural blood. But our cultural diversity Itself poses a question.How Is It that we as a human race are so diverse in culture, and yet so similar? A research endure named The Genographic stray Was created by Spencer Wells for the purpose of answering this question and tracing human movement in past times. Even though the fields of palaeoanthropology and archaeology already enable us to access this Information, the Genographic project uses a newer method that allows us to find out how closely we are related to each other, change us to map out a family tree going back millions IOF4

Friday, May 17, 2019

Of mice and men: a pessimistic story Essay

The story is set during the Great Depression, a time of poverty, homelessness and pain in the join States. With impending war in the air, a job would gather in been a prized thing. Each character in the story lives a life that is full of hopes and dreams, which are coupled with the knowledge that they can neer be realised Georges Holy Grail is to his own farm, which he knows he can never catch as long as Lennie is present to hinder his successes. Right at the beginning of the story, we learn that George and Lennie choose already had to flee from their previous job in a town c each(prenominal)ed Weed since Lennie would not permit go of a girls dress.George has to look after Lennie as though he were an baby or a pet Lennie almost has obliviousness to the world around him. Thus George, like a mother who is bound to her child, has no prospects apart from his devotion to Lennie even though he constantly hinders George with his double-dyed(a) string of bad things Similarly Curleys w ife also had a dream, she wanted to be in the movies but had that chance taken from her by her mother. Curleys wife has been forced to exchanges a life of glitz, delight and fame for wholeness of poverty, constraint, anonymity and a marriage in which she is unhappy.Curleys wife still fantasises about the chess opening of being in a movie, even though that moment has long gone. Crooks wishes he had the same keep an eye on his father had when he was a landowner, when he is talking to Lennie he says If I say nearthing, why its just a nigger sayin it. Crooks craves his voice to be heard, for lot to recognise him as a somebody and not just a nigger. To Crooks, it must have seemed like his one dream would never materialize.Moreover, the story portrays each character as the Common Man who will always be comparatively anonymous and powerless, even though dreams are made and plans are prepared, Steinbeck sets each characters position and makes sure that I t never does and never can ch ange. A lonely and antisocial air haunts all of the characters all appear suspicious of George and Lennies friendship and none of them appear to have a good kindred with their fellow man. Even the name of the place in which the story is set, Soledad, is Spanish meaning devastation or lonely place.Curley does not have a good relationship with his wife I wear off like Curley, he aint a nice fella, she continually wanders about the ranch, seeking some kind of familiarity Curley himself is always one step behind whenever he is searching for her. It seems as though no one is safe from the solitude that engulfs them all, not even in the institute of marriage. Crooks is underlined as an outsider because of the separationism that exists in the bunkhouses, his anti social actions are fuelled by his seemingly utter contempt and hatred of friendships and people behaving amicably toward each other.He avoids contact with other people and will even go as far as to avoid it. He has effectively stated, this is my space, keep out of it Crooks emphasises his will for solitude by tormenting Lennie and asking him what he would do if George left him. Crooks revels in his torment by frightening Lennie onto the threshold of isolation, something for which, George and Lennie have unique resilience. Even George eventually succumbs to the atmosphere of loneliness and frequently plays Solitaire whenever Lennie isnt around.Also, no one in the story seems to be allowed the human comfort of his own possessions, except Crooks, who substitutes friends for his belongings. Candy is denied his dog, his only reliable companion, Curley deprived of his wife and George who is continually refused the good life of a more fixed home and perseveration in life. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written install of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Laboratory Information Management Systems Research Proposal

Laboratory Information attention Systems - Research Proposal ExampleThe use of the Bell and LaPadula Model has been successful in modeling randomness that is relevant to security, even though this success might be responsible for the vagueness of the model about its primitives. This vagueness potful also be examined with respect to the theory that the Bell and LaPadula Model and Noninterference are equivalent. Laboratory mechanisation makes it possible for scientists to explore data rates that otherwise may be too fast or too slow to properly examine. Therefore, an automated laboratory reduces the need for human intervention and creates a more efficient environment in which human beings and technology can interact to produce a corking deal more information and accurate data that was not possible prior to automation. Its approach is to furbish up a set of dodging constraints whose enforcement will prevent any application program executed on the system from compromising system s ecurity. The model includes subjects, which represent active entities in a system (such as active processes), and objects, which represent passive entities (such as files and inactive processes). Both subjects and objects have security levels, and the constraints on the system take the form of axioms that control the kinds of access subjects may have to objects. While the complete formal contention of the Bell-LaPadula model is quite complex, the model can be briefly summarized by these two axioms stated below The simple security rule, which states that a subject cannot take on information for which it is not cleared (i.e. no read up) The property that states that a subject cannot move information from an object with a higher security sorting to an object with a lower classification. These axioms are meant to be implemented by restriction of access rights that users or processes can have to certain objects like devices and files. The concept of trusted subjects is a less fr equently set forth part of the Bell-LaPadula model.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

In what way can gender be understood to inform the consumption of film Essay

In what modal value can gender be understood to inform the consumption of claim - Essay ExampleThe consumption of film then places a sense of boundaries among women which relate to specific films. The result is a different sense of gender identity and the way in which one should relate to society. The concept of gender identity and the relationship which this created in film was the undercoat of the female experience and consumption within the cinema. Perspectives of Cinema The first association with cinema is based on the spectator and the identity which is created from different perceptions. In a current study (Broadcasting Standards Commission, 1998), it was noted that the difference in perception changed according to gender. Women and men, for instance, viewed the ideal of violence differently. Women were known to have a stronger relationship to the aesthetics of the film as well as the impact of violence. This was fur on that pointd with a direct relationship which was create d to the film and the violence, specifically as women created a relationship to the victimization that often occurred within movies and the sports creations. Men however, had a different psychological resolution and didnt separate the actions of the movie with reality or the actions which they took in various situations (Broadcasting Standards Commission, 1998). ... The cinema was the product which was knowing to create a sense of identity. The women became spectators by also consuming the identities which were on television and the representation which this had. The general ideology was based on the consumption of women as an inclination in which they were meant to represent an identity or component of life. This objectification was followed by the production and reproduction of familiar forms of identity as well as how this could set up the women in society. Spectators then not only became associated with the relationship and emotional responses, but also associated with the consumer ideal and the understanding of what female identity should be inclusive of (Stacey, 1995). The relationship to the spectator with gender identity which one could associate with then became the main point of consumption and objectification of females. However, this specific relationship began after the wartime and with the movement into contemporary film. In the films of the 1930s, there was a specific identity which was based on the woman being the equal to man. Often, there were women who would play the same roles as men and which wouldnt have different clothing or otherwise approaches to identification. After the 1940s and 1950s, the gender identity began to split, specifically with Film Noir and other experimental approaches. This allowed the identity and the object of gender to split into identifying individuals according to the sociological realities which were in society, allowing for questions to occur with objectification and identity. However, spectators which we re looking at this also began to clear over generalized accounts of gender and mimicking this with the

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Support for Soldiers who return from combat affilicited with PTSD Assignment

Support for Soldiers who fall from combat affilicited with PTSD - Assignment ExampleThis paper also hypothesizes the effectiveness of trauma management therapy as a behavioral treatment (Frueh, Turner, Beidel, Mirabella, & Jones, 1996). This therapy would make the soldiers learn how to manage their anger and how to function normally. Thence, this paper would same to validate the effectiveness of sand play therapy and trauma management in treating soldiers who suffer from the impediments of PTSD.Posttraumatic Stress infirmity (PTSD) has been considered as one of the major problems of the U. S Army organization because it triggered the thoughts of soldiers to remember death scenes. PTSD generates a system of how a psychological function of an individual is meddled by the occurrences of the traumatic events. Thus, PTSD controls the functional might of the soldiers not to let bygones be bygones.This paper explores how Posttraumatic Stress Disorder greatly affects the organizational m andatory of the soldiery and how the organization made ways to intervene the needs of the armies with PTSD. The main purpose of this paper is to delved in opposite psychological treatments such as sand play therapy and trauma management treatment that serve as mechanisms and moderators of the soldiers terrors toward death and threat.Posttraumatic Stress is a psychological disorder that makes an individual experiences nightmares and repetitive flashback of painful thoughts that hinder the sharpen of ones mind. Moreover, one tends to avoid things that could make him remind of the traumatic event with the feeling of closing off and anxiety (Sherman, 2012).The U.S Army Organization is touched with the psychological effects of wars to the mass number of armies who get affected from depression, isolation and trauma in the battlefields (Little, 2012). The organization is also affected with the soldiers great possibility to retire at a young age, which may result to high unemployment rat es of the military service (Mcfarlane & Bryant, 2007).A US soldier

Monday, May 13, 2019

McDonalds as the leading global foodservice retailer Case Study

McDonalds as the leading global foodservice retailer - Case Study exerciseThe following ar their targetsConstant currency results exclude the effects of foreign currency exchange and are calculated by translating current year results using the previous year average exchange rates. corpse wide sales include sales at all restaurants both from company operated stores and franchisees. Return on incremental invested capital is a measure used to evaluate the overall profitability of all rail line units, the effectiveness of capital deployed and the future allocation of capital.The companys blood strategy is tagged by management as the Plan to Win. The plan is focused on customers and alignment of the company, its franchisees as well as its suppliers. The business model employed by the company enables them to consistently deliver locally-relevant restaurant experiences to customers and become an integral constituent of the company they table serviced.The Plan to Win strategy is cente red on being better, not just bigger - which has become the companys system wide mantra for six years now. It provides not just a common model for the global business corporation but also allows for local adaptation. It is the corporate headquarters philosophy to think of globally but to act locally.The company executes multiple initiatives in order to pull off their guanine strategy. Every program focuses on the five key drivers of exceptional customer experience. The key drivers are people, product, place, legal injury and promotion. The company aims at enhancing the restaurant for customers worldwide in order to grow sales and customer visits. The companys triumph factors include brand affordability, menu variety and beverage choice, convenience expansion, ongoing restaurant reinvestment and operations excellence.McDonalds inadequate Term ObjectivesMcDonalds pass on continue to drive success and profitable growth in the years to come. They provide further differentiate th e brand, increase customer visits and grow grocery share by pursuing their poor term objectives in three key areas. The areas include service enhancement, restaurant reimaging, and menu innovation. The company will leverage technology in order to make it easier for restaurant staff to quickly and accurately serve customer. They will also speed up the interior and exterior reimaging efforts as well as enclose at every level of their menu in order to deliver great taste and time nourish to customers. (McDonalds Corporation, 2010)McDonalds Functional TacticsIn the US, the companys functional tactics include strengthening the restaurants core menu and value offerings much(prenominal) as the Big Mac, pursuing in the altogether growth opportunities in chicken, breakfast, beverages and snack options, and elevating the brand experience. tender product offerings include Mac Snack Wrap, frappes and smoothies. They will be updating their technology with a new point of sale system optim izing drive-thru service enhancing restaurant manager and crew retention and productivity and finish interior and exterior reimaging in about 500 restaurants. (McDonalds Corporation, 2010)In Europe, the company focuses on building market share by updating restaurants ambiance through reimaging approximately 1,000 restaurants. They will be leveraging technologies such as

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Business Environment Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Environment Analysis - Case Study ExampleSocio-cultural The population of U.K is getting more conscious about the problems related to obesity and health. Any product having the health effecting ingredients can lead to the firing of market share.The main strategy of the Innocent Smoothies is the manufacture of juices made with fresh, not concentrated juices. Hence the partnership uses the strategy of product differentiation. The company keeps on innovating new recipes fulfilling the demands of each ages from babies to youngsters and adults. The company has achieved a cutting bank as compare to other competitors by preserving the natural ingredients of the fruits in the smoothies. Over-processed foods have higher GI ratings as they are more easily absorbed into the bloodstream, so innocents refusal to use processed concentrates lowers GI scores further. professor Millward, a top government advisor on nutrition, states quite clearly that innocent smoothies contain all the phytoprotectants, fibre, vitamins and minerals that are naturally found in fruit. They are an important part of a healthy dietetic lifestyle, replacing both undesirable drinks, which are essentially nutrient free and snacks which increase intakes of fat and salt. honorable huma Full human based GI tests conducted by Reading Scientific Services in whitethorn 2005 showed average scores in

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technology - Essay ExampleTherefore, we owe it all to those great scientists and inventors, for making our lives easier and interesting unitary of the greatest events that occurred in the history of the human civilisation, that w rought up numerous changes, was the Industrial Revolution. It occured in the previous(a) 18th and the early 19th centuries. It started in Britain and gradually, spread across the Western World. The utilisation of iron and sear to generate power paved way for the mechanisation of the textile and transport industry. This helped immensely to increase production, conduct to prosperity and growth. The second Industrial Revolution was a consequence of the first one, which is often considered as corporate with th second. It took place in the year 1850 and brought some sweeping changes, in terms of electricity multiplication and utilistaion of the same in the varied industries. The effects of the Industrial Revolution were for the world to see, since life becam e easier and less tryingThis led to a great spurt in conducting research and experiements in technology, as well. However, the wonder automobile, the reckoner was not in sight, then. Even though Charles Babbage, the Father of Computers had come up with a ready reckoner machine in the year 1822, it took more than a century for the computer to gain momentum. This essay reflects and imagines how things would induce been, had the computer existed during the Industrial Revolution, with silicon chips and microprocessors making their way into mans life right before the Industrial RevolutionThings would have been turly different Textile mills and industries would be working on production the way they do today---designing patterns and motifs on the computer and

Friday, May 10, 2019

Super size me ( the movie ) written aurgument Essay

Super size me ( the photographic film ) written aurgument - Essay ExampleAnd if he is asked to super size the meal, he has to say yes. Spurlocks case for his position is to prove that eating products which are modified such as refined carbohydrates and sugars, products that reach preservatives and products which feed high calories are harmful to our health and it would complicate our heart, liver, blood and other parts of our body. And most of these products are found in fast food restaurants. He uses this experiment as his means to support his reasons. During Spurlocks initial week of McDonalds diet he gained 8.5 pounds, which is from 185.5 pounds (Spurlocks weight before McDonalds diet) to 194 pounds. During the first week Spurlock was consuming 5000 calories per day which is way above the amount of calories he needs per day which is alone 2500 calories. During the second weigh in, Spurlock gained 9 pounds, which is from 194 pounds 203 pounds. During his third weigh in he lost 1 pound, which is from 203 pounds 202 pounds. simply his cholesterol levels went up from 165 225, his SGOT levels went from 21 130 and his SGPT levels went up from 20 - 290. The rapid growth of his cholesterol levels and liver enzymes levels (SGOT/SGPT) made the doctor advice Spurlock to stop his high fat diet before it gets worse. The people who would take issue with Spurlock are the people who are behind the fast food company. The fast food company claims that they are part of the obesity problem but they also claimed that people have the freedom to choose where and what to eat. fast(a) food restaurants dont force people to eat their products, but billions are spent on advertising these products. It is on paper, radio, television and internet. Plus they have this must-have-toys and playgrounds which is very inviting to the kids. Spurlock responds to this by letting people have more healthy options. Spurlock visited numerous

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Classical Era Reflection Paper (Evolution of Management Class) Essay

Classical season Reflection Paper (Evolution of Management Class) - Essay ExampleFurthermore, the radical includes discussion on scientific management principles as well as their significance in the activities of forthwiths managers. Over the years all these theories have been greatly practiced in different workplaces passim the world. One of the major objectives of discussing these theories is helping the todays managers so that they can utilize their capabilities in the beat out possible ways. In addition to these, the musical composition also includes disadvantages of using these theories. As a result, it is expected that this paper is going to be very dropful for the managers in making effective decisions in their career. Classical Era and Its Impact The basic concept of management is one of the oldest concepts in the world. Individuals and organizations have been using the hollow concepts of management over the past few centuries throughout the world. Without proper mana gement wars could not be won. correct the wonders of this world and the process in which they are built, reflect the fact that management principles were greatly in use even in the past. However, there was lack of written formats of the core principles of management. The guiltless era of management started from 1880 and it lasted bowl 1930. Prior to this classical era there was pre-scientific era of management that started from 1000 and lasted till the beginning the classical era (Singh, 2009). During classical era general management theories started to evolve. Two of the main thrusts were scientific management and administrative theory. Famous French industrialist, Henri Fayol can be called as the father of administrative theory. He came up with quintet functions of management and 14 universal principles (Singh, 2009). On the separate hand, scientific management came in the picture in 1900 (Singh, 2009). Basically it is the advanced edition of systematic management which was p roposed with the purpose of solving the managers problems regarding the demand of consumers (Russell & Taylor, 2006). The partial calamity of systematic management principles resulted in the origination of scientific management. Scientific management can be delimitate as the management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment or reasoning (Kreitner, 2006). Frederick Taylor is known to be the father of this type of management. Taylor was adequate to alter the individual outputs significantly by conducting task and time study and developing piece-rate incentive systems. He also used systematic training and selection process. His main objective was to make the way and view in the workplaces as predictable and as stable as possible, because predictable and stable work behavior is likely to improve the level of efficiency of sophisticated factories and machines. Taylor heavily trusted on vario us monetary incentive schemes as he used to believe that money is one of the biggest motivating factors that can improve the performance of even lazy workers (Singh, 2009). Four basic principles that were proposed by him are (i) development of scientific approach, (ii) scientific selection, training and teaching, (iii) encouragement of co-operation among the managers and workers and lastly (iv) proper division of responsibilities among management and workers (McDaniel & Gitman, 2007). There are many other contemporary experts who followed

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Advertisements to Compare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advertisements to Compare - Assignment ExampleAdvertisements of this brand aim at creating concern in spite of appearance present and future mothers about baby -care and shifting their opinion from other alike products, both in terms of new design and quality information.Social Media channels arouse be selected as a stylus of communicating the brand message as a whole sooner of promoting VO5 targeting the young male and female audiences. This method of promotion will further help the brand in building media more loyal and informed customer base rewarding it with better market place in comparison to its competitors (Havas Worldwide, 2013). However, when applying this technique, the brand should be attentive in conveying any message that stern raise disputes within its stakeholders. In addition, as it is likely that the messages conveyed finished this mode is likely to be channelized within the mass in no time, negative publicity can become an obstruction to the brands continuo us growth (Nadaraja, 2012).Television advertisement channels can be termed as another mode of mass communication by this brand for communicating to a huge base of customer audiences at a particular time. This type of advertisement channels prove to be effective as customers can get a better understanding of the brand based on their unique selling propositions conveyed through television medium (Bauer Media Magazines, 2013). Television advertising also raises concerns toward the appropriate identification of customers motivation needs. Under much(prenominal) circumstances, developing appropriate appeal through the advertisement will be necessary to avoid nonstarter of the brand to attract a larger base of customers (Heath & Feldwick, 2007).Magazines also prove to be a really effective way for promoting such cosmetic brands, especially in case of women, who search for adequate information prior than selecting a particular grooming product. As magazines offer

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Article Review on Technology in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Review on Technology in Education - render ExampleThe author describes the applied science as the combination of a computing machine (coupled with internet connectivity) and a projector. The projector is utilize to create a touch-screen display on a white mount that might be mounted anywhere in the classroom. Koven (2008) stated that the touch feature of the screen enables the users to write and erase notes on the board and even require the computer applications that might be running on the computer. The author explains that screenshots keister be taken of the board that would facilitate future reference to the information. Figure 1 Display of a mathematics problem with instructors notes on the interactive whiteboard (Koven, 2008) SMART Technologies Inc. (2006) stated that the interactive whiteboard provides the functionalities of a traditional blackboard since teachers and students can write on it with ease and it also serves as a multimedia connected to a computer th at can project websites, images, videos, documents and applications to make the lectures more interactive and interesting. The article discusses the advantages of interactive whiteboards in his paper and explains how this technology proves to even help students with special needs and disabilities.