Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Advertisements to Compare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advertisements to Compare - Assignment ExampleAdvertisements of this brand aim at creating concern in spite of appearance present and future mothers about baby -care and shifting their opinion from other alike products, both in terms of new design and quality information.Social Media channels arouse be selected as a stylus of communicating the brand message as a whole sooner of promoting VO5 targeting the young male and female audiences. This method of promotion will further help the brand in building media more loyal and informed customer base rewarding it with better market place in comparison to its competitors (Havas Worldwide, 2013). However, when applying this technique, the brand should be attentive in conveying any message that stern raise disputes within its stakeholders. In addition, as it is likely that the messages conveyed finished this mode is likely to be channelized within the mass in no time, negative publicity can become an obstruction to the brands continuo us growth (Nadaraja, 2012).Television advertisement channels can be termed as another mode of mass communication by this brand for communicating to a huge base of customer audiences at a particular time. This type of advertisement channels prove to be effective as customers can get a better understanding of the brand based on their unique selling propositions conveyed through television medium (Bauer Media Magazines, 2013). Television advertising also raises concerns toward the appropriate identification of customers motivation needs. Under much(prenominal) circumstances, developing appropriate appeal through the advertisement will be necessary to avoid nonstarter of the brand to attract a larger base of customers (Heath & Feldwick, 2007).Magazines also prove to be a really effective way for promoting such cosmetic brands, especially in case of women, who search for adequate information prior than selecting a particular grooming product. As magazines offer

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